Monday 28 April 2014

SPOTTED! Robbie Savage turns out IN DISGUISE for Sunday league team #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

HE started out at Manchester United, but now former Wales captain Robbie Savage plays for Sunday league team Bradley Park!

Robbie Savage, Savage, Manchester United, Man Utd, UnitedRobbie Savage plays Sunday league football whilst wearing a disguise! [CASCADE]
Savage came through the ranks at United, before starring for clubs such as Leicester, Birmingham, Blackburn and Derby during a near 15-year career.
Now aged 39 and retired from professional football, Savage showed his love for the game by turning out IN DISGUISE.
Savage wore a prosthetic mask, complete with a wig and beard to fool his team-mates and opposition.
The player-turned-pundit returned to his roots on Sunday morning when he featured in secret for Bradley Park in Division Two of the Wrexham Sunday League.
Robbie Savage, Savage, Manchester United, Man Utd, UnitedSavage blends in during a team-talk [CASCADE]
Bradley Park were taking on the Turf FC, with Savage taking part in a film for the BBC's The One Show, showcasing grassroots football.
Back in February, BBC bosses had contacted Phil Beard, Bradley Park's secretary, to see if they would be happy for Savage to make an appearance for his childhood club.
Mr Beard said the club would be delighted to take part but was sworn to secrecy, along with two Sunday League officials, as the twist was that the Welshman would be playing in disguise.
A full crew of make-up artists set up camp in Bradley Park's changing rooms at 6.30am to fit Robbie with a prosthetic mask, complete with a wig and beard, before being introduced to his team-mates 30 minutes prior to kick-off.
Robbie Savage, Savage, Manchester United, Man Utd, UnitedSavage (bottom, centre) takes off his disguise after the game [CASCADE]
Mr Beard said the whole day had been a "brilliant experience for everyone".
He said: "I went into the changing room and told the lads I've broken our transfer record to bring back an ex-Bradley player.
"Robbie walked in and at first they didn't quite clock who it was but then one of the lads said: 'It's Savage!'.
"Our lads had to call him Sam so it didn't give the game away.
"We told the Turf I was being filmed for a programme about the longest-serving secretaries, so they were none the wiser.
"At the end of the game Robbie took his disguise off and the look on the Turf players faces was fantastic. They all thought it was great fun and Robbie was brilliant with all the lads, signing autographs and chatting away, he was lovely."
Robbie Savage, Savage, Manchester United, Man Utd, UnitedSavage warms up in disguise [CASCADE]
Despite bending in a 30-yard free-kick, Savage couldn't prevent Bradley Park slipping to a 6-3 defeat, but Mr Beard said the day "wasn't about the result".
"It's great exposure for a club like ourselves and a boost for Sunday football here", he added.
"We run the club so the lads have something to do on a Sunday morning, and this really helps put us on the map."
Robbie Savage, Savage, Manchester United, Man Utd, United


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