Monday 28 April 2014

Tragedy of two year-old girl strangled by window blind in game of hide-and-seek #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

A MOTHER has told of her heartbreak after finding her toddler strangled by the cord of a window blind.

Schoolchildren, young, danger, house, home, window blinds, hide and seek, Smiling little Sophie Allen, aged two[SWNS]
Danielle Hudson, 28, spoke out to warn parents of the danger, following the tragic death of two-year-old Sophie Allen.
Little Sophie was playing hide-and-seek with her brother Jayden, four, eight days ago when she became tangled in the beaded loop of her bedroom blind.
Housewife Danielle, from Sunderland, was oblivious to what had happened until her son told her that Sophie was “stuck”.
When the mother-of-three went to investigate, she found her daughter with the cord around her neck.
Speaking yesterday for the first time about the family’s ordeal, Danielle told of the terrible moment she realised something was wrong.
She said: “My son came in and said ‘Sophie’s stuck’ and pointed at the cupboard. I didn’t understand what he meant and just thought she was hiding. Then he came back and said it again. I walked over to the window and saw a shadow behind the curtain.
“I pulled it open and she was hanging with the cord around her neck. I lifted her up and carried her downstairs, and her dad Peter tried to do CPR while I called for an ambulance,” she recalled.
They brought her out of the coma after 48 hours and she started to breathe on her own, but there was no response to touch or sound.
Danielle Hudson, 28
Sophie was taken to Sunderland Royal Hospital, where staff worked for more than an hour to resuscitate her before she was taken to Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary and placed in an induced coma.
Danielle added: “They brought her out of the coma after 48 hours and she started to breathe on her own, but there was no response to touch or sound.
“The next day she had an MRI scan which showed brain damage from the lack of oxygen. They said that even if she pulled through she would be severely brain-damaged.
“On Friday she had an EEG and it showed no brain activity at all.
“They said that once they took her off the ventilator she would struggle to breathe, and she died on Saturday morning at about 3.20am.”
Danielle warned of the danger of the common household item. She said: “Blinds are something that practically every household has.
“Just tie them out of the way. Keep them out of reach of children, cut them or take them down altogether. Just make sure children have no access to them.”
She added: “Sophie was always dirty, you couldn’t keep her clean. She was loving and happy, always smiling.
“I want to thank the paramedic team and staff in the hospital. If it wasn’t for them, we would never have got the chance to say goodbye.”


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