Monday, 21 April 2014

Veteran's anger as French bureaucracy threatens to derail 70th anniversary of D-Day #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @i_amreginaldjr

D-DAY veterans who braved Nazi bullets to storm the coast of Normandy almost 70 years ago now face a new obstacle to this summer's commemoration - French bureaucracy.

 Ken Smith said he didn't need to fill paperwork first time round[BEN LACK]
Nine hundred members of the British Normandy Veterans' Association will be among thousands returning to the French battlefields in June.
It is expected to be the last big anniversary gathering because of the ever-dwindling number of heroes who took part in the landings on June 6 1944.
But a last minute security flap by French authorities means the whole Carentan Pininsula will now be declared a no-go zone to anyone without an official pass.
It has left veterans with a race against time to meet this weekend's deadline to fill in paperwork issued by the Ministry of Defence, in response to France's belated decision.
All those hoping to attend the commemoration will have to fill in a two-page form asking for personal details, rank, regiment, unit, "role" during D-Day, medals awarded, events they plan to attend, travel plans, home address, email address, place of birth, age, contact numbers, "maiden name if applicable" and whether they want to speak to the media.
As veterans' groups fill coaches with those wanting to pay their respects, it is still unclear who will be approved to attend the services and functions.
From June 4 to June 8, the gendarmerie will throw an "anti-congestion cordon" around Calvados, Manche and Orne to control traffic and meet security requirements.
No one will be allowed to move around between checkpoints without carrying a pass, with security stickers also required for every car and bus.
The red tape has bemused the elderly ex-British servicemen, who once landed on Sword and Gold beaches under a hail of bombs and machinegun fire.
 The veterans will have to fill out a raft of forms [BEN LACK ]
D-Day veteran Ken Smith - who, at age 89, is one of the youngest making the trip - was straffed by machine gun fire as he waded ashore.
Two bullets would have found their mark but they drilled into the radio set the signals operator was carrying on his back.
He fought on to help liberate much of Europe until being wounded months later in fighting on the Dutch-German border.
He said: "We didn't need to fill in a load of paperwork last time I landed in Normandy.
"In fact, I didn't even need my passport.
"The French have never done anything on this scale before so it's been quite a shock.
"Most of the veterans are in wheelchairs or need walking frames - so it's not as if they present any kind of security threat at all." 
As secretary of the York branch of the Normandy Veterans' Association, the former private had to fill in 40 forms for all the people making the trip, including York's last seven D-Day survivors.
Mr Smith, of Wheldrake, York, was warned if he did not get the forms back on time no one would be able to go on the £18,000 trip, prompting his wife Gloria to volunteer her help.
He was told priority would be given to veterans but there was still no guarantee honorary members and supporters making the trip would receive a pass.
"There is a lot of disgruntlement and dismay, particularly since this has been so late in the day," he added.
He said relations between the veterans and French police had often been difficult.
In previous years, the old soldiers had to stand in the rain for hours during the speech-making - and were then refused permission to go back to the coach for dry clothes.
Gendarmes had also stopped them using drop off points near hotels - meaning disabled members had to be physically carried back to their rooms.
This year's event will be the last to be officially marked by the Normandy Veterans' Association, which is to disband in November.
National Secretary George Batts said: "Everybody going to Normandy is affected by this.
"The forms have got to be filled in and if they are not filled in they don't go. Full stop." 
Mr Batts apologised to members that the time limit for the return of the forms could not be extended.
"This was due to procrastination by the French Government and therefore completely beyond our control," he wrote to branches.
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage said: "French bureaucracy is what the whole European system is based on.
"If any British veteran was not allowed to go because he had not filled in a form that would be completely outrageous.
"It sounds like a complete joke." 
The MOD says any veteran, family member, or carer planning to attend needs to register their details in advance for access to the invasion beaches and surrounding areas, such as Arromanches, Bayeux, Caen, Ouistreham and the American sector.
A spokesman said: "As a major anniversary, significantly more people than normal are planning to attend this year's commemorations, putting significant pressure on the transport network, and as a result the French authorities will be putting in place stringent access control.
"We are working closely with the Normandy Veterans' Association and the Royal British Legion to ensure that all veterans wishing to attend the commemorations have all the information and support they need to register for the key events." 

The MoD has stopped processing forms for non-veterans - who now have to apply direct to the French authorities and supply photo ID.

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