Tuesday 29 April 2014

World's first UNDERWATER post office lets tourists send postcards home from under the sea #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

MANY of us send friends and family a postcard from our holidays abroad but have you ever sent one from underwater?

underwater, post office, post, postcard, sea, ocean, water, hideaway island, first, vanuatu, tourist, holidayThis is the world's first underwater post office [CATERS]
Well now you can. 

These stunning images show the world's first underwater post office, which allows holidaymakers to send their loved ones a message from under the sea.
The amazing amenity is situated off the coast of Hideaway Island, Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean. 
Vanuatu Post is submerged in the crystal waters 50 metres from the white sandy shore of the paradise island.
Tourists are able to don masks, fins and snorkels or full diving gear to visit the post office, which was made from a large fibreglass water tank.
Once there they are able to post special postcards which have been treated to make them waterproof.
The postcards are collected daily by dive masters from the island and taken on to postal services to be sent.
underwater, post office, post, postcard, sea, ocean, water, hideaway island, first, vanuatu, tourist, holidayHolidaymakers can send special waterproof postcards to their loved ones [CATERS]
Originally we taught four post office workers to dive - however this became too difficult to organise, so the resorts instructors and dive master took over the job
Mike Crawford, dive manager
Mike Crawford, a dive manager at Hideaway Island for seven years, created the unique post-box.
The 68-year-old said: "The idea for the project came from one of the resort owners and the local postmaster having a few red wines in a local cafe.
"It was made from a large fibreglass water tank and a gable roof was added and holes cut for a counter on one side and an entrance on the other.
"It had all the logos attached including sponsors and was then secured by chains to rocks underwater.
"Originally we taught four post office workers to dive - however this became too difficult to organise, so the resorts instructors and dive master took over the job.
"A post box was placed next to the tank so that snorkelers or divers could post their own postcards which were specially treated to be waterproof, and collected daily by the dive masters."


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