Tuesday 1 July 2014

France's burka ban is legal, says European Court of Human Rights #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

A TOP European court today ruled that France's ban on women wearing burkas is legal.
burka, ban, court, european, france, religion, muslim, human rights, restrictions, womenToday's ruling is likely to increase calls for the burka ban to be adopted by other countries [GETTY: PIC POSED BY MODEL]
The ruling, by the European Court of Human Rights, could now pave the way for a number of other countries to implement their own restrictions on women covering their faces in public.
An attempt by a British legal team to reverse France's ban, in place since 2011, was rejected by judges who said the law was entirely justified.
They said that the right of ordinary people to 'live together' was a 'legitimate objective', and that Muslim women wearing face coverings threatened it.
France's parliament passed a burka ban in 2010, leading to protests from Islamic groups who said it was discriminatory.
Today lawyers for an anonymous 24-year-old university graduate told the Strasbourg-based court that the ban was "degrading" and a "breach of religious freedom".
The complainant, identified only by her initials SAS, is a French citizen but has family in Birmingham.
Her British lawyer Tony Muman told the court at an earlier hearing that she is a "perfect French citizen with a university education.
"She speaks of her country with passion.
She speaks of her country with passion
Tony Murman, British lawyer
"She is a patriot."
SAS in turn said in a written statement that being forced to take off her veil in public constituted "degrading treatment".
France's law means women who wear full-face veils in public can be fined around £130.
There have been arrests and convictions in France, but attempts to enforce the ban have also sparked disturbances, including a riot in the Paris suburb of Trappes last year.
An appeals court in Versailles, near Paris, is today considering the case of a man who attacked police when they stopped his veiled wife, and he ended up with a three-month suspended prison sentence.
France has the biggest Muslim population in western Europe, and many believe that society has an agenda against them.
This belief was reinforced last month when the far-right National Front, a party which has numerous policies aimed at stopping the spread of Islamic culture, made huge gains in European elections.
Belgium and parts of Switzerland have also introduced bans, and similar ones are being considered in Italy and Holland.
Plans for one in Britain have also been muted by backbench MPs and other politicians, including members of the UK Independence Party (Ukip).
Today's ruling is likely to increase calls for the burka ban to be adopted by other countries.

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