A GIRL of 14 was killed and two friends injured yesterday after a car ploughed into them as they walked to school.

Liberty Baker was rushed to hospital by air ambulance just after the accident at 8am but later died.
One bystander described the scene as “utter carnage”.
Two of Liberty’s friends – who were also 14 – were injured, one of them seriously. They were taken to John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford with the male pedestrian, who suffered a broken leg.
The 18-year-old driver, who was unhurt, was arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. One resident said: “My wife heard a horrendous scream and looked and saw a girl in school uniform, who had been knocked over by a small blue car. It’s terribly tragic. My heart goes out to her family.”
Liberty’s father is a company director and her mother works at an Oxford University college. It is believed they also have a son, 10.
The girls were grade nine pupils at Henry Box School.

It’s a very sad day
Liberty’s friends spoke of their shock at the tragedy. One said yesterday: “She was one of my best friends. It doesn’t seem real, I feel numb...I can’t believe she has gone. She was just so lovely.” Headteacher Wendy Hemmingsley broke the news at a special assembly shortly after pupils arrived at the school.
In a statement she said later: “The school community is deeply saddened and our thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time. Support is being offered to students and staff.”
One sixth former said later: “We were all called in to the sports hall and the headteacher said that, despite what the medics did, unfortunately Liberty passed away. Liberty’s close friends were not in the hall. I think they were told separately.
“It was a real shock. Everyone was crying and a lot of people have gone home. Parents have come and collected some kids who are really upset about it.”
Pupils later walked to the crash scene to lay floral tributes. One wrote: “Liberty Baker, you will be missed. You were such a nice girl xx.”
The tragedy happened in Prime Minister David Cameron’s Oxford constituency. He wrote on Twitter: “My thoughts are with friends and family of the 14 year-old-girl killed by a car in Witney.”
PC Phil Hanham, who is appealing for witnesses, said: “It’s a very sad day where there are three young girls and a man in a collision with a vehicle.”
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