Friday 4 July 2014

HUNT for madman plotting 'invisible' bomb terror attack #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

BRITAIN is facing a nightmarish new terrorist threat from surgically implanted “body bombs”.
bomb, flight, security, muslim fanatics, invisible bombs, metal free bombs, mastermind, isis, saudi born, Ibrahim Hassan al-asiri, CIA, transatlantic,Airport security is heightened as authorities search for Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri [REUTERS/GETTY]
Intelligence chiefs believe that Muslim fanatics plan to blow up passenger jets heading to America with invisible explosives sewn inside their bodies.
The non-metallic and low-vapour devices are virtually undetectable by airport scanners.
As security was stepped up last night, with swabbing of hand luggage, body searches and second checks at the departure gate, the race was on to find the mastermind behind the plot.
He is understood to be a Saudi-born bomb-maker called Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri.
The 32-year-old killer is top of the CIA’s wanted list and works from a secret base in Yemen. His previous plots include the “underpants bomb” attack on a US-bound jet and three devices secreted in printers flown to ­Britain and America.
Security was also tightened in Uganda last night after what police described as a “specific threat” to Kampala international airport.
A Downing Street spokesman said that there was an “evolving threat” to the UK and other countries but people should travel as usual.
A Downing Street spokesman would not give details of extra measures were being taken to safeguard passengers but said there would be “significant disruption”.
David Cameron warned: “We need always to be vigilant to situations that can develop. There are terror organisations around the world that seek to do the UK, its citizens and citizens of many other countries harm.”
The safety of the travelling public must come first
David Cameron
Details of the new threat emerged in the US. Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson said: “We are sharing information with our foreign allies and consulting the aviation industry. We continually evaluate the world situation and we not infrequently make changes to aviation security.”
In a BBC interview, Mr Cameron added: “We take these decisions looking at the evidence in front of us and working with our partners.
“This is something we’ve discussed with the Americans and what we have done is put in place some extra precautions and extra checks. The safety of the travelling public must come first. We mustn’t take any risks with that.” The intelligence on which the crackdown is based comes from Syria, a magnet for radicalised foreign Jihadis, and Yemen, where al-Asiri is a key figure in Al Qaeda.
He designed the underpants device used by a London-educated Nigerian bomber in a failed bid to destroy a plane flying to the US on Christmas Day 2009.
The son of a Saudi military officer, al-Asiri was also behind the devices placed inside printers’ ink cartridges. One was discovered in a plane at Castle Donington airport in the East Midlands and two others were on US-bound flights. None exploded.
His younger brother Abdullah was killed, aged 23, when he used one of his bombs in a failed suicide attack on the Saudi deputy interior minister. As well as making bombs, al-Asiri has been training new recruits in the expectation that he will be killed in a US drone attack.
One of eight children born in the Saudi capital Riyadh to devout Muslim father Hassan, he drifted apart from the family a decade ago and emerged several years later as a fully fledged Islamic militant.
A document found by US intelligence agents suggests he commissioned doctors to examine surgical processes for inserting the body bombs.
After experimenting on dogs and other animals, they decided an overweight bomber would be best.
“The idea was to insert the device in the terrorist’s ‘love handle’,” a US official told Newsweek magazine.
Security consultant Will Geddes said al-Asiri was Al ­Qaeda’s “number one bomb maker”. He added: “Experts are worried there has been more bomb training in some of the terror cells across the Arabian peninsula.
“The technology for bomb making is better than it was 10 years ago. That makes it easier to share information.
“It could mean using a chemical that the scanner doesn’t recognise. We’re talking about objects made from innocuous materials, chemicals that slip under the radar.
“Think of it as a way to confuse the technology in scanners. It could be the substances in a printer cartridge, as with the East Midlands attempt. It’s a constant battle between those protecting people and those trying to cause harm. Airport security teams have to be a lot more vigilant. We know there’s a lot of links between Al Qaeda and this man. He’s a threat.”
Saudi Arabia was yesterday reported to have deployed 30,000 soldiers to its border with Iraq amid fears of further inroads by the extremist Muslim group Isis, which is preparing an assault on the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The rebels claim to have sleeper cells ready to rise up at “zero hour”.

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