A SPANISH resort has today promised a clampdown to ensure the shocking sex scenes involving a teenage British tourist are never repeated.

A shocking internet video has recently emerged showing an 18-year-old British tourist performing a sex act on 24 men, reportedly in the hope of earning a free drink from a bar in the popular holiday destination.
She was said to have agreed to the dare for a cheap bottle of cava, although one reveller claimed afterwards she was told she would win a holiday for taking part - only to find out her prize was a cocktail called 'Holiday.'
Mrs Riera said the boozy antics of the Britons involved had left her "speechless."
This sort of behaviour cannot be tolerated
"It gives the Balearic Islands and women a terrible image.
"We regard it as outrageous and we have to stop it whichever way we can."
Most Britons who go to Magaluf do so for the combination of sun, sex, drugs and cheap alcohol on offer and holidaymakers dub the resort 'Shagaluf'.
But in a surprisingly strongly-worded attack, the spokesman claimed part of the problem was that some of the young Britons were educationally inadequate.
She said government officials needed to work with British holiday companies because their guests faced a "problem of education."
She added: "There are people who come with certain types of behaviour or educational patterns that needed to be fought against in the source country as well."
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