Saturday, 5 July 2014

Miley Cyrus takes the lead as American celebrities post patriotic selfies #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TheElitePartyinJuly via @myentertainm9jar

Stateside stars celebrate Independence day by sharing pictures with social

MILEY Cyrus seemed to be the most eager to mark the birthday of the US, as the singer posted a picture to her instragram in the early hours of the morning of July the 4th.
Miley had her tongue out in the snap-of course- and captioned it "Officially the 4th"
We also gather that Christina Millian spent the national holiday with pal Paris Hilton.
Miley Cyrus couldn't resist an opportunity to show us her tongue for the American holiday [instagram]
Miley Cyrus couldn't resist an opportunity to show us her tongue for the American holiday [instagram]
The RnB singer shared a picture of the pair on a beach, dressed in stars and stripe garb whilst holding electronic cigars.
Upping the patriotic ante,  Khloe Kardashian shared a racy picture of herself in front of the American flag, showing plenty of cleavage.
Christina Millian and Paris Hilton hit the beach [Instragram]
Christina Millian and Paris Hilton hit the beach [Instragram]
Khloe's little sister, Kendall Jenner seemingly got in on the 4th of July action, posting a picture of herself with red white and blue face paint.
But as the reality star was on this side of the Atlantic in France, the colours were actually in support of the French football team.
Khloe Kardashian saw the holiday as an excuse to flash some flesh [Instagram]
Khloe Kardashian saw the holiday as an excuse to flash some flesh [Instagram]
All-American Taylor Swift eschewed racy patriotism and posted a homely picture of herself proudly posing with a stars and stripes cake she had presumably baked.
Harry Styles' ex directed the picture to Ina Garten, the TV chef, showing that she was obviously proud of her culinary work.
Kendall Jenner spent Independence day in France [Instagram]
Kendall Jenner spent Independence day in France [Instagram]
And whilst some celebrities refrained from posting pictures, many wished their followers a happy holiday.
Katy Perry tweeted: "Baby you're a firework", alluding to the traditional firework displays that take place around the country on the date.
Rihanna posted simply: "Happy Birthday America!"

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