Thursday 3 July 2014

Tighter airport security could become PERMANENT after new terror bomb threat #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

TIGHTENED levels of security at British airports could become a permanent feature, the Deputy Prime Minister has claimed, following fears terror networks are working together on a bomb that could evade existing measures.
airport, security, terror, terrorism, terrorist, bomb, flights, jihad, jihadi, department for transport, dft, homeland security, us, americaThere are reports that terror groups are developing a new bomb which could evade current security [GETTY]
Despite the upcoming end of the school year, which will see thousands of British families fly out the country on summer holidays, the Department for Transport (DfT) said that the extra checks – which remain secret – were not expected to cause "significant disruption" to travellers.
It also noted the official UK threat status remained unchanged at "substantial", meaning an attack is a strong possibility.
The changes were announced after US Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson ordered that security at foreign airports, which host flights to the US, should be tightened.
The move comes just ahead of America's Independence Day celebrations on July 4, a holiday which traditionally sparks a rise in air travel.
Speaking during his weekly phone-in on LBC radio station, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg warned that the extra checks could adopted permanently by airports.
He said: "This is the world we now live in.
"I don't want people to think that this is some sort of blip for a week. 
"This is part of an evolving and constant review about whether the checks in our airports - and indeed other places of entry and exits from countries - keep up with what we know from intelligence and other sources about the nature of the threats we face."
US officials were reported to have instigated the changes in the light of intelligence that groups in Yemen and Syria had joined forces to plot an attack.
It is believed extremist groups are preparing a new generation of explosives that could be carried undetected onto flights.
airport, security, terror, terrorism, terrorist, bomb, flights, jihad, jihadi, department for transport, dft, homeland security, us, americaThe Department for Transport said that the changes should not cause 'significant disruption' [PA]
The majority of passengers should not experience significant disruption
A Department for Transport spokesman
A group of radical militants called Jabhat al-Nusra, who are based in Syria, are said to be working with an al-Qaeda offshoot in Yemen to design bombs.
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula were responsible for the 'underwear bomb', a thwarted plot to target a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit in 2009.
A DfT spokesman said: "The UK Government keeps aviation security under constant review in conjunction with international partners and the aviation industry."
"We have taken the decision to step up some of our aviation security measures. For obvious reasons we will not be commenting in detail on those changes.
"The majority of passengers should not experience significant disruption. There will be no change to the threat level, which remains at substantial.
"The safety and security of the public is our paramount concern. The UK has some of the most robust aviation security measures and we will continue to take all the steps necessary to ensure that public safety is maintained."
Prime Minister David Cameron's official spokesman said: "There are terror organisations around the world that seek to do the UK, its citizens, citizens of many other countries including our Western allies, harm.
"We need to always be vigilant to situations that can develop."
He said passengers "will understand why it is necessary to have security measures in place" and added: "The advice from all of government would be for people to continue to follow the advice from airports and airlines.
"That includes, as it has done for a very long time, giving themselves the appropriate time to go through all the airport procedures."
airport, security, terror, terrorism, terrorist, bomb, flights, jihad, jihadi, department for transport, dft, homeland security, us, americaThe new tightened security measures could be permanent, Nick Clegg warned today [AP]
Asked whether airports and airlines should increase staffing levels to avoid delays, the spokesman said: "We will continue to work with the aviation sector, airlines and airports, on this.
"The industry has a strong incentive to minimise any impact on passengers as far as possible, of course that is the case. I'm sure they will continue to do that."
International security consultant and former aviation security editor Chris Yates said that although the new measures could mean slightly longer check-in times, major disruption was unlikely.
He said: "We see these alerts crop up from time to time and because of that we're well versed now in rolling out additional screening measures and additional procedures to address whatever the concern is. 
"So a repeat of 2006 when of course we had the liquid bomb plot and the chaos that reigned down on airports then is not going to be repeated any time soon.
"My advice to travellers would be if you're planning on travelling to the States any time soon then check with the airline and make sure that you are at the airport well in advance of checking time to ensure that you experience as little inconvenience as possible.
He explained that checks could involve removing shoes and switching on electrical equipment.
He added: "There are a variety of measures that are rolled out whenever alerts like this crop up. People with thick-soled shoes may well be required to take them off and have them scanned. 
"The other procedures might be down at the gate just prior to boarding the aeroplane. They could involve things such as, if you're travelling with a laptop or tablet of some sort, turning it on to show that it works rather than being a dummy that contains something dangerous.
"It's worth bearing in mind that these procedures only apply to US-bound flights, it's not a blanket requirement on all flights out of UK airports. So a limited number will be affected, so that contains the problem as well. 
"This means it is unlikely that we will see any great delays, it could be up to half an hour of additional processing time but that is probably it."

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