Monday 28 April 2014

REVEALED: The woman who stole George Clooney's heart is no brief encounter #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @i_amreginaldjr

OVER the years, George Clooney has become as famous for his reluctance to marry as he is for his acting.

George Clooney girlfriendGlamorous lawyer Amal and George Clooney are said to be engaged[REX]
But it looks as if he has finally changed his mind, thanks to this beautiful British human-rights lawyer.
The Hollywood megastar, who has dated a string of beauties, is said to have popped the question to Amal Alamuddin.
Appropriately for someone dating a man who has twice won the title Sexiest Man Alive, Amal is nicknamed HRH by fellow lawyers – it stands for Human Rights Hottie.
Last year, she was voted “the hottest barrister in London” by legal bloggers Your Barrister Boyfriend.
Amal, 36, has been spotted showing off what appears to be an engagement ring to friends in Malibu. One source said: “George and Amal are trying to keep things very low key but they also aren’t really trying to hide this.
“I think it’s like they want the people they love to know that this is real, that they plan on being together for ever.”
Clooney, who was briefly married in the Eighties, is worth around £95million. Amal is said to earn about £200,000 a year and hails from a well-to-do family.
George Clooney AmalGeorge Clooney and Amal were clearly enjoying each others company [REX]
She speaks French and Arabic and has worked as an adviser to the UN Special Envoy on Syria, Kofi Annan.
Born in Beirut in Lebanon and educated in Oxford and New York, Amal has carved out an impressive career as a humanitarian lawyer working from the cutting-edge Doughty Street Chambers in London.
Alex Aldridge, editor of website Legal Cheek, said: “Doughty Street is the original hip human rights set.
“It continues to lure glamorous barristers-to-be with a taste for do-gooding.”
One of Amal’s clients is Wikileaks founder Julian Assange – who still faces arrest if he leaves the Ecuadorean embassy in London. She is legal adviser to the King of Bahrain and has also assisted the judge at the war crimes trial of former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic.
Her passion for international law and human rights is one she shares with Clooney, who has long been an advocate for refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan.
The pair first dated in London last October. They have since holidayed in New York, Tanzania and the ­Seychelles. And while Amal does not move in ­Hollywood party circles, she had some big names among her 1,800 Twitter ­followers before closing her account. They included former Australian PM Julia Gillard.
Amal inherits her beauty from her mother Baria, 66, who lives in Buckinghamshire and who, say friends, eclipsed Elizabeth Taylor in her heyday.
Clooney’s spokesman Stan Rosenfield has yet to confirm the engagement, saying that he does “not comment on his client’s personal life”.

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