Tuesday 1 July 2014

'Circus MADNESS' Shocking video shows tigers caged and 'pacing' in tiny cells IN THE UK #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

SHOCKING footage of a lion and a tiger suffering from what campaigners branded "circus madness" were released today.
tigers animal cruelty, circus tigers, animal rights circusThese images show the tigers and lions kept in cages[Animal Defenders International]
The big cats were filmed in their tiny cells at one of only two British circuses still with performing wild animals.

The tiger can be seen pacing back and forth in the small cell and the lion also shows similar signs of "stereotypical" behaviour which is thought to reveal animals suffering from stress.

The film of the beast wagon at Peter Jolly’s Circus was taken by pressure group Animal Defenders International.

Images also emerged of llamas kept tethered in full view of the big cats and filmed circus acts including a fox riding a donkey and two lions and tigers being made to sit on their hind legs and jump between podiums.

During the show, a tiger was also made to sit upright on a glitter ball, and a lion to ‘kiss’ circus owner Thomas Chipperfield.

He is a relative of Mary Chipperfield who in 1999 was convicted of cruelty to a chimpanzee while her husband Roger Cawley was convicted of cruelty to an elephant.
Speaking about the conviction of his second cousin, Mr Chipperfield said: "That’s not me and I  can only speak for myself."
He pointed out that there have been only seven prosecutions of circus trainers in the past 130 years, adding: "I doubt if that’s  one per cent of the trainers in Britain in that time" – and asks people not  to judge his profession by the actions of individuals.
To counter claims that circus training is inherently cruel, Chipperfield has posted a video diary on YouTube showing how he trained the nine-month-old Tsavo and another lion, Assegai, using patience and reward over a long period of time.

tigers caged UKTigers caged in the 'beastwagon' [Animal Defenders International]
ADI called on David Cameron to prevent cruelty by honouring the Government's promise to introduce a complete ban on wild animals in circuses.
A bill to outlaw wild animals in circuses has been stalled and instead a temporary licensing system with inspections has been introduced.

But ADI president, Jan Creamer said its investigations showed that the licensing system cannot safeguard the welfare of circus animals.
She said: “Government inaction is taking its toll on these animals. The lions and tigers at Peter Jolly’s Circus, and other wild animals still being made to tour and perform with the last two circuses with such acts, need our urgent help.

lion caged animal crueltyA lion is seen caged at Jolly's Circus [Animal Defenders International]
tigers animal crueltyLlamas were tethered in full view of the tigers [Animal Defenders International]
"ADI calls on the Prime Minister to honour his promise and bring in a ban on wild animals in circuses without delay.”

ADI said that Peter Jolly's Circus has two lions and three tigers, Nadia aged 18 and two aged three and four.
It said in the wild Nadia would have would lead a solitary life, roaming over a territory of up to 180 sq miles.
But ADI said: "In the circus Nadia and the other big cats are forced to live in cages on the back of their transporter, known as a ‘beastwagon’, where they spend most of their time, in close proximity to one another."
A spokesman for Peter Jolly's Circus, which is currently in Middlewich, Cheshire, rejected ADI's claims of cruelty.
He said: "Under the licensing system Defra inspects us seven times a year, with some of the visits unannounced.
"We were inspected by an inspector and a vet only last week without any problems.
"We have to stick to really strict guidelines which include enrichment and exercise. We have passed every single time.
fox-donkey-circusA fox rides a donkey at Jollys Circus [Animal Defenders International]
camelsCamels performing at Jollys circus [Animal Defenders International]
"Defra also does stress tests and assesses the animal's physical and mental health. Our animals are absolutely fine
"The film does not show an enclosure and a swimming pool where the animals can exercise.
"We have an open door policy and anyone is welcome to come have a look for themselves."

A spokesman for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said it still intends to ban wild animals in circuses.
He said: “We are committed to banning the use of wild animals in circuses and will introduce legislation as soon as parliamentary time allows.
“As we work towards a ban we have a strict system in place to ensure the welfare of all 23 circus animals in England – this includes announced and unannounced inspections, care plans for every animal, regular veterinary inspections and a retirement plan for each animal.”


  1. Jan Cremer heads a dangerous toxic animal rights fanatic group and is obsessed with animal abuse wether it exists or not. She preys on vulnerable naive people who cannot be bothered to find out how well cared for anials in circuses actually are, and makes a heap of money out of them in the form of subscriptions for her filthy organization of cultist animal abuse addicts and liars. She and her organization need to be investigated and she and her equally poisonous husband iprisoned for trying to destroy a perfectly thical industry which has been an integral part of society for two ccenturies. She needs to also be transparent about the accounts of her dubious Animal Defenders international accounts and the title of her dodgy little cult as well, as the name does not do what it says on the tin, it is a smokescreen for her to make money through ill informed prejudice and hate of any animal that works with humans. She wants ttal anial apartheid. To add insult to injury her vile operation "rescued some lions from a Peruvian circus and held them in cges herself awaiting to video a film to hopefully throw her into heroic stardom, and they spent thousands uon thousands of subscription money on the most expensive filming equipment they could get, to glorify their dodgy little organization whilst the animals had long before been offered sanctuary in a well prepared massive facility.

    1. Whilst those animals were there some fell ill and one died as these idiotic self righteous morons had been feeding them a diet of wait for this. VEGETABLES !!!!!!!!

  2. LLamas, horses and other led animals that have been bought up in circuses are used to having big cats in close proximity and are obviously well protected and like the big cats well fed. Likewise the tigers are not licking their lips in anticipation of eating the llamas either. Please peoople, think about that before jumping to the conclusions that these animal abuse morons are so desperate for you to fall for, and you will soon see how low scraping the barrel to smear decent organisations like Jollys circus these filthy liars are. And the gutter press play right into their hand and publish the bull because scandal (they dont give a darn that it is untrue scandal), sells their cheap little rags. It makes a mockery of intelligent journalism.
