Thursday 3 July 2014

Now Google BANS Express story about George Osborne’s ‘Muslim’ brother #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

A STORY published by the Daily Express five years ago detailing the marriage of Chancellor George Osborne’s brother to a Muslim bride was today censored by Google.
Google, Right To Be Forgotten, George Osborne, Chancellor, Adam Osborne, European Court of Justice, ECJGoogle have hidden from search results an story about George Osborne's brother[ED WILCOX / GETTY] was today informed that an article published about Dr Adam Osborne on December 7, 2009, has been removed from Google’s search listings.

The 300-word piece detailed how the Chancellor’s younger brother, now 38, had converted to Islam in preparation for his marriage to Bangladeshi-born Rahala Noor, his plastic surgeon girlfriend of 14 years.

The article explained he had been studying the Koran and was praying five times a day and had been given the name Mohammed for the ceremony.

The piece, which did not allow reader comments, still exists on

However, it does not appear on Google when a user searches for ‘George Osborne, brother, Islam, Express’ or any variation of those terms.

Bizarrely, the original story, which had been broken by the Mail on Sunday in much greater depth the day before, still appears on Google’s results for MailOnline.

Versions of the article by the Daily Mirror, the Independent and other newspapers also still appear.
 The article detailed how Dr Osborne had converted to Islam to marry his then wife [ED WILCOX]
We have recently started taking action on the removals requests we’ve received after the European Court of Justice decision
A Google spokesperson
Google confirmed its actions in a notice to, which reads: “Notice of removal from Google Search.

“We regret to inform you that we are no longer able to show the following pages from your website in response to certain searches on European versions of Google:

The decision came after a request to Google from an unknown person or organisation.

It followed a ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ ruling in the European Court of Justice last month which gave people the right to have “inadequate”, “irrelevant” or “no longer relevant” results about them erased from the internet.

Google lawyers are now sifting through some 50,000 requests.

Who made the request to Google over the Dr Osborne article on remains a mystery.
 The article is hidden from Google search results but other website's pieces remain [IG]
Google refused to comment on individual cases and was unable to contact psychiatrist Dr Osborne.

A spokesman for Chancellor George Osborne was also unavailable for comment today.

Curiously, when a user tries searching for Dr Osborne’s wife, Rahal Noor, the Express article does appear in Google’s listings.

The Express piece also appears in full on other search engines, such as Bing and Yahoo.

Dr Osborne was suspended for six months by the General Medical Council in 2010 for “serious misconduct” after he admitted, among other matters, “inappropriate behaviour” in falsifying a prescription for drugs to an escort girl he had been seeing.

He had apologised and told the disciplinary panel he had been working hard to address his mistakes, the latest of which happened in 2008.

In their notice to the Express, Google also explained it was removing three other articles from its search results.

Two in 2010 were about Scottish referee Dougie McDonald, which are available.

Those articles concerned a “white lie” he was found to have told about why he gave a penalty in a Scottish football match.

The other article was an innocuous Sunday Express piece from 2011 in which Eric Corsaletti-Delgado, then the chief executive officer of Empire Alliance Group and “a class action specialist”, said UK councils were failing in their “duty of care” to voters.

He explained in the piece that they could recoup some £500million lost on poor investments made in the US during the credit crunch.

That article can be read
 The article on Dr Osborne can still be found by using other search engines [IG]
Google’s actions caused a storm of controversy today and were described by Martin Clarke, the publisher of MailOnline as “the equivalent of going to the library and burning books you don’t like”.

The BBC’s economics editor Robert Peston has also raged about one of his blog posts from 2007 about the banking crisis being censored.

A post about former Merrill Lynch boss Stan O'Neal is now unsearchable on Google.

Mr Peston wrote last night: "To all intents and purposes the article has been removed from the public record, given that Google is the route to information and stories for most people."

A Google spokesperson said today: "We have recently started taking action on the removals requests we’ve received after the European Court of Justice decision.

"This is a new and evolving process for us.

"We’ll continue to listen to feedback and will also work with data protection authorities and others as we comply with the ruling."
 The Chancellor's spokesperson was unavailable to comment [REUTERS]
The Express article about Dr Osborne’s marriage is available here and we have decided to copy it in full below:

THE brother of the Shadow Chancellor has converted to Islam to marry his love of 14 years.

George Osborne's younger brother Adam, 33, married Rahala Noor, 31, in a civil ceremony and later in a traditional Muslim celebration.

Dr Osborne spent months studying the Koran before formally being welcomed into the faith last month.

The doctor, who is a specialist in psychiatric care, has adopted the name Mohammed and prays five times a day.

He met his wife, a plastic surgeon, 14 years ago while they were both undergraduates at St Andrews University.

They both went on to study medicine at Manchester University but kept their relationship a secret from Dr Noor's family for years.
 Google are notifying websites of articles that are being hidden on search results [IG]
A friend of the couple said Adam's family knew all about it and thought she was a good influence, adding: "Rahala didn't want to upset her folks. She knew that her parents probably wanted her to have an arranged marriage and she did not want to disappoint them."

But after her father died, Rahala came clean about her then boyfriend.

The friend added: "Over time, however, and after meeting him on a few occasions, they came round to the idea. And when Adam announced that he was going to convert to Islam, it enabled everyone to accept the relationship."

The couple's civil wedding was held at St Andrews Castle on October 31.

There was alcohol and dancing and the groom's 38-year-old MP brother attended with his wife and children.

The second wedding was a traditional Islamic affair. The couple recited marriage verses from the Koran and an imam declared them man and wife.

Adam Osborne is one of four sons of Baronet Osborne of Ballintaylor, the 66-year-old Sir Peter Osborne who founded the wallpaper company Osborne & Little.

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