Tuesday 1 July 2014

Speak ENGLISH! Minister fronts at councillors for using BENGALI in official meetings #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

BRITAIN'S most controversial council has been ordered by ministers and the country’s election watchdog to ensure only English is used in official meetings.
tower hamlets, election count, 2014WARNINGS: Tower Hamlets council has been told to ensure English is used at meetings[Eastlondonlines.co.uk]
The twin demands to Tower Hamlets council in east London have been made by Local Government Minister Brandon Lewis and the Electoral Commission after concerns about the frequent use of Bengali by councillors and other officials.

Insults and heated conversations are often traded in Bengali in the council chamber, while some councillors struggle to read official statements or make themselves understood during debates.
At one meeting last year, observers were left stunned when a resident asking a formal question to Mayor Lutfur Rahman in a council meeting spoke at length in Bengali.
He was interrupted by a town hall clerk who told him he could return to finish his question at the next monthly meeting with a council-subsidised interpreter.
At another meeting last year, ex-Labour councillor Abdal Ullah formally complained about being called a “shurer batcha”, or “son of a pig”, by a fellow Muslim member.

English is the common theme that should bind all communities
Cllr Peter Golds
The reports have been read with alarm in Whitehall where ministers realised there was nothing in statute or common law that currently requires English council meetings to be conducted in English.
A senior source at the Department for Communities and Local Government said the issue had simply not arisen in the country’s history before.
Now minister Mr Lewis wants to address it.
In a Written Statement to the Commons last Thursday, he said new provisions would be laid before Parliament to maximise the transparency of councils.
“We also wish to make crystal clear that council meetings in England should be conducted in English, and not in a foreign language,” he said.
It is understood this is a direct reference to the reports from Tower Hamlets.

Lutfur rahman, tower hamlets councilRe-elected mayor Lutfur Rahman now has the task of improving the reputation of Tower Hamlets [WENN]
Separately, the Electoral Commission has also asked the council’s Returning Officer to ensure only English is used at future counts.
In a damning report about the arrangements for the “shambolic” five-day count at the last town hall and European elections in May­, the Commission said it had received several complaints relating to language.
It said: “Several submissions also expressed concern about some counting agents and other attendees talking to count staff in Bengali, which meant that other observers could not understand what had been said.”
Its recommendation added: “To ensure transparency of communication between counting staff and other attendees at the count (including counting agents) the Returning Officer should make clear in instructions to those attending any count that any such communication should take place in English only.”
Tower Hamlets Conservative leader Cllr Peter Golds said today: “These recommendations are common sense.
“English is the common theme that should bind all communities in this borough, irrespective of faith and racial background. It’s the basis of community and social cohesion.”
The majority of councillors in Tower Hamlets are of Bangladeshi origin, while the Bengali community comprise some 32 per cent of the borough’s population.
Bengali and the regional dialect Sylheti are the predominant languages in the majority of Bangladeshi households.
The use of the language is a source of fierce national pride and is rooted in Bangladeshi nationhood.
Before independence in 1971, Bangladesh was part of Pakistan, whose government tried to enforce the use of Urdu.
A solemn Martyrs Day commemoration is held in Tower Hamlets every February to remember those killed in Bangladesh for defending their right to speak Bengali.
Tower Hamlets is currently facing questions on several fronts.
A number of police investigations are examining allegations of electoral fraud, while the council is undergoing an emergency inspection from PricewaterhouseCoopers auditors.
They were ordered in by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles last April amid concerns about governance.
Mr Pickles yesterday warned the council about delaying the audit, which is now due to finish at the end of this month.
He said the council had been failing to provide information to the auditors.
Tower Hamlets council Returning Officer John Williams said: "All election and count business is conducted in English. All councting assistants were briefed they should not engage with candidates or agents at all during the electoral count but should refere any questions or concerns to the count supervisor.
"I welcome the Electoral Commission's recommendations."

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