Friday 4 July 2014

THE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD ON THE NET - [MUST SEE] #TheElitePartyInJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog via @myentertain9jar

No doubt that internet technology has come to
stay in our world. Though I acknowledge the fact
that I am not excellently spiritual and doubt if
anyone is. When it comes to telling lies, it is
something that have become part of human
existence and therefore I doubt if people can
keep clean sheet throughout their lifetime
without telling lies both offline and online, and
be it white lies, black lies, blue, green and red
lies if anything close to that exist.

Even as I write this now, there is an ongoing
incidence currently taking place right in front of
me in a present location. A neighbor is receiving
a phone call just outside and I can hear from his
phone conversation, him telling probably the
caller that he is already at Trans-Amadi road
(location) and that he is almost close (probably
where they scheduled to meet up), meanwhile
as I speak to you, he is just still outside his home
which is currently in Agip road (different
location) and I doubt if he has even taken his
bath.So you see that telling lies cuts across all
individuality just like that and in virtually all
ramifications of life; sometimes done intentionally
and sometimes you do it obliviously. Even the
clergies amongst us are not spared in telling lies.
Some of the eloquent and clever clergies even
on course of their ministrations sometimes come
up with white lies to use in complementing their
Going by the topic of the day, maybe I should
have referred to it as technological lies. I
supposed you must have been wondering or
waiting for that greatest or most wide spread
internet lies, which I am quite certain that in
some cases I and you are also guilty of them.
Ok, here goes the most widespread internet
lies…please don’t laugh…wink
= =>Click I Accept (I Agree) if you have read
and understood our Terms of Services and
Privacy Policy. Lo and behold most people click
I Accept (I Agree) on many webpages that
requested that even when they have not even
read the first sentence of the Terms of Service
and Privacy Policy.
It also comes in these forms;
= =>By clicking Signup, you agree to our
Terms and that you have read our Privacy policy.
Most just go ahead to click the Signup without
having read any Privacy Policy.
= =>By clicking Register, you acknowledge
that you have read and understood our Terms of
Service and Privacy Policy. Many go ahead to
register without reading any Terms of Service or
Privacy Policy.
The question now that one will be asking is;
Why do you think that many hardly read
Terms of Services and Privacy Policy of the
online pages they visit even when it was
clearly requested of them ?
For me, I think the two major reasons for that,
why people end up telling such lies of I Agree
even when they have not read neither the Terms
of Services nor the Privacy Policy of pages they
visit are because of time factor and the lengthy
Terms of Services and Privacy policy they
are always greeted with.
But one very important thing that I must
mention here is that it is said ‘Ignorance to the
law is never an excuse’. Therefore you should be
ready to face and accept any consequences
thereafter when any form of conflict arises and
also you should be ready to easily throw in the
towel in such a scenario since it was a failure on
your part to read the pages TOS and PP before
going ahead to Sign up even after being told to
do the needful.
One cannot doubt the fact that it is a good
online practice to always read TOS and PP of
every page online the come across and
interested to make use of, especially whenever
they are presented to you in those manners.
Yes I am also guilty of that in some cases and
also working towards improving on that, and I
think you should also follow suit and improve on
that too.
If you are happy with this piece, you can use the
comment box below to express yourself and also
tell us your experiences whether you are guilty
of these widespread internet lies. Please don’t
forget to share this to pass the fun round.

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