Friday 2 May 2014

Air Force 'avoid trouble frpm Libyans' as they they fenced off #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @imentertain9jar

MILITARY top brass were forced into a humiliating about-turn last night – tearing down a fence hiding a US Air Force memorial from Libyan soldiers.

Peter Worby,, military, top brass, fence, us air force, memorial, libyan, soldiers, officials, mephis belle tribute, The World War Two memorial has been hidden behind a newly erected fence [SWNS]
Embarrassed officials acted after furious enthusiasts contacted the Daily Express saying the Memphis Belle ­tribute was no longer visible.
The monument was erected inside RAF Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire, to honour the USAF’s Eighth Air Force, based there in the Second World War.
Now an Army training base, Bassingbourn will be the temporary home to 2,000 Libyan soldiers being trained to restore order to the war-ravaged land.
The over-officious commander who ordered the memorial to be fenced off was last night being hunted as part of a top-level Ministry of Defence probe.
He was dismissed by a ministry source as “some bloke with a clipboard” who oversaw an extraordinary “error of judgment”.
There was no official comment as to why the fence was up but the source added: “I expect the rationale was it might offend the Libyans.”
Libyan armed forces will be taught basic infantry skills as part of a two?month course starting next month. It is part of efforts to help the Libyan government disarm and integrate ­militias and improve security and ­stability following the toppling of ­despot ­Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
I am glad someone has seen sense but this was a disgusting insult to the memory of the young airmen who died saving our bacon
Peter Worby
The memorial was erected 20 years ago after a fundraising campaign on both sides of the Atlantic. Scores of USAF veterans have made a pilgrimage to England to see it and remember their fallen comrades.
Peter Worby, 55, a long-standing member of Friends of the Eighth, said: “I am glad someone has seen sense but this was a disgusting insult to the memory of the young airmen who died saving our bacon. The MoD should be hugely embarrassed by this – they should be promoting these memorials, not shunning them.”
During the war US military personnel based in the UK were said to be “overpaid, oversexed and over here”. But their contribution to communities across Britain is still felt today and a reason for Friends of the Eighth ­forming almost 40 years ago.
Peter Worby,, military, top brass, fence, us air force, memorial, libyan, soldiers, officials, mephis belle tribute, The memorial before the fence was erected [SWNS]
A Facebook page was set up to shame the base after a 10ft wooden fence concealed the memorial, which features the propeller of a B-17 bomber.
Last night one member said: “We are not going to let the veterans down and those who died for us. If the MoD wants a row they have got one. We owe the veterans more than we can ever hope to repay – letting them or their memory down doesn’t even enter the picture.”
Another branded the move “disgusting” adding: “Why do we have to put up with Britain as it is today ? It’s all going down the pan.”
The 91st Bomb Group (Heavy) ­operated B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft and was known unofficially as “The Ragged Irregulars”.
It flew Memphis Belle bombers – an aircraft immortalised in the 1990 film of the same name, which told the story of the 25th and last mission of one bomber and its crew. Between 1942 and 1945 the elite unit ­suffered the greatest number of losses of any heavy bomb group. The 91st ­participated in 340 operational ­missions losing 197 of its aircraft.
US-Libyan relations have been strained since President Ronald Reagan ordered air strikes, code-named Operation El Dorado Canyon, in 1986.
In 2011 America led military intervention in Libya and, with British naval forces, fired more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles during the civil war.
A Defence Infrastructure Organisation spokesman said: “A temporary screen was erected around the US War Memorial at Bassingbourn. This has now been removed.”

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