Monday 19 May 2014

Backtracking? The 'vast majority' of Romanians DO make good neighbours, Farage says #BringBackOurGirls #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

NIGEL Farage appears to have begun back-pedalling after controversially implying that he would not want to live next door to a group of Romanians.

 Nigel Farage performed an apparent U-turn after making the controversial comments last week [GETTY]
In two separate interviews last week, the Ukip leader said that he would be concerned if people from the eastern European country moved in next door to him.
The comments provoked fresh claims of racism after a controversial poster campaign and the defection of prominent British Asian supporter Sanya-Jeet Thandi.
They also came as another party candidate was accused of posting a homophobic message on Facebook suggesting that "poofters" should be "shot".
Ukip have said they are looking into the incident.
Apparently seeking to clarify his comments, Farage said the "vast majority" of Romanians in the UK would make "good neighbours" as he sought to limit the damage caused by his comments.
The party took out a full-page advertisement in the Daily Telegraph to insist Ukip was not racist, but repeated its warning about the risk posed by organised criminal gangs from Romania.
Mr Farage said his comments about people being right to be concerned if a group of Romanian men moved in next door had caused a "predictable storm of protest and accusations of racism".
The Ukip leader initially stood by his remarks, which came during a bruising interview with LBC, but last night admitted: "Do you know what, in life sometimes people get things wrong."
He told BBC News: "I regret the fact that I was completely tired out and I didn't use the form of words in response that I would have liked to have used.
"I should have just hit back immediately and said: 'Look, understand there is a real problem here - you can't deny it - too much criminality from these gangs has come to London'."
 Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said that "dodgy employers" were exploiting cheap labour [PA]
Apparently he's said he got it wrong, he should certainly say he's got it wrong
Ed Miliband
In an advertisement in The Daily Telegraph taking the form of an open letter from the Ukip leader, he said: "Let me be clear - Ukip is not a racist party, and our immigration policy, far from being racist, aims to end discrimination against non-Europeans.
"The vast majority of Romanians who have come to the UK wish to better their lives and would make good neighbours.
"But there is a real problem, an unpalatable truth that our political class would rather not discuss.
"Since the welcome fall of Communism and the awful dictator Ceausescu, Romania has struggled to complete a full transition into a western democracy."
There was discrimination against the Roma minority and a "huge problem" with the growth of criminal gangs, he said.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said that Farage's original remarks had revealed his "divisive, nasty approach" to politics.
He told BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show. "I think the mask is starting to slip and I think what's being revealed that sort of behind the beer-swilling bonhomie is a rather nasty view of the world."
Labour leader Ed Miliband also criticised the remark as a racial slur that was "completely out of order".
He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I think it was deeply offensive, I think it was wrong what he said.
"I don't know Nigel Farage very well, I think he made one remark which was completely wrong, completely out of order, and was a slur.
"Apparently he's said he got it wrong, he should certainly say he's got it wrong."
Asked whether he understood why people would vote Ukip, Miliband said: "I can understand why people feel deep discontent with the political system and why people would look at other alternatives, of course I can.
"My view is that Ukip might be siding with the discontent that people feel but they don't have the solutions."
Yesterday, shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said that the "hostility and extremism" in Ukip needed to be challenged, but also blamed "dodgy employers" for exploiting immigration for cheap labour.
She said: "Right now the system isn't fair, and it is too easy for dodgy employers or agencies to exploit immigration to undercut local wages and jobs.
"We need reform in Britain and in Europe. Exploiting migrant labour to undercut local wages and jobs should be stopped. So Labour would halt abuse of zero hours contracts, outlaw agencies recruiting only overseas, and make serious exploitation a crime."


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