Monday 19 May 2014

Battleground Britain: Ukip threaten to rewrite the electoral map at the European elections #BringOurGirlsBack #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

MILLIONS of voters are set to give the European Union the electoral equivalent of a kick in the pants.

voters, european elections, nigel farage, david cameron, nick clegg, ed miliband, country, britain, politics, polls, eu, ukip, labour, lib dems, liberSome opinion polls suggest that Ukip will get around a third of the votes[GETTY]
On Thursday we get the opportunity to pick the 73 British Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) for the next five years.

And with public disenchantment with the EU at the highest level in a generation opinion polls are forecasting victory for Nigel Farage's UK Independence Party.

Some suggest that Ukip will get around a third of the vote, beating the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems in what could be a historic result for an insurgent party.

Traditionally the big winner at European elections in Britain has been apathy.

Turnout has been low at every election since the assembly was first elected in 1979.

At the last Euro elections nearly two thirds did not bother to cast a ballot and turnout is expected to be around the same on Thursday.

Most British voters have scant understanding of what the European Parliament does and only around one in 10 can name one of their MEPs.

The overwhelming majority do not realise that while they have just one MP representing them at Westminster they could have between three and 10 MEPs representing them at the European Parliament's two seats in Brussels and Strasbourg.
 Senior Tories admit the party is facing a "difficult" night [GETTY]
Under EU rules the results cannot be announced until all the polls are closed so the rest of Europe will have to wait until the polling stations shut in Italy at 10pm
That is because European elections are run using a proportional representation system which divides the country into 12 national and regional constituencies.

Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are three constituencies.

England is divided into nine regions: London, Yorkshire and Humber, the East of England, the East and West Midlands, the North East, North West, South East and South West.

At the election ballot papers list the parties and independent candidates standing in the constituency.

Under each party's name will be a list of the candidates.

Voters are required to put a cross against the party they wish to support.

When the votes are counted the European Parliamentary seats are divided among the parties in proportion to the votes they win.

If the party gains one MEP in a constituency the candidate at the top of the list will get the job.
 Labour are said to be concerned about potentionally losing to the Tories and Ukip [GETTY]
If the party gains more MEPs then candidates further down will also be picked.

Ukip won 13 MEPs at the last European elections in 2009.

If the polls are correct they could pick up double that this week.

Regionally the anti-Brussels party is expected to do well in the East of England and East Midlands and could net 50 per cent of votes in what would be a spectacular triumph.

The party is tipped to increase its share of the vote in most English regions outside London.

In contrast senior Tories admit the party is facing a "difficult" night.

Many pundits expect them to come third behind Labour and polls suggest they could get as little as 21 per cent of the vote and 13 seats.
Yet some Westminster insiders think David Cameron's aides are playing down expectations and jitters are growing in the Labour camp about the Euro poll.

In the past opposition parties in Britain have always topped the polls at European elections and coming second behind Ukip this week would dent Ed Miliband's hopes of getting into Downing Street.

Some Labour MPs are beginning to worry that their party could come third behind the Tories and Ukip, which would widely be seen as a disaster for Mr Miliband.
 Lib Dems face losing all of their 12 MEPs if they win less than 10 per cent of the votes [GETTY]
Nick Clegg is facing a wipeout for the Lib Dems.

If the party wins less than 10 per cent of the vote as polls suggest, Lib Dems face losing all of their 12 MEPs.

Britain is not alone in being poised to give the European Parliament an electoral kicking.

The respected think tank Open Europe recently predicted that around 31 per cent of MEPs chosen for the European Parliament's 751 seats in the elections across Europe will come from anti-EU parties of various types, including the National Front in France, the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, the Left-wing Syriza party in Greece and the Italian Five Star Movement led by Beppe Grillo.

Pawel Swidlicki, a research analyst at Open Europe, said: "Paradoxically the vote for anti-EU parties is likely to force the mainstream parties in the European Parliament to work even closer together to lock out their opponents.

The danger is that would fail to address the problems that created the anti-EU sentiment in the first place."

Although the election is being held on Thursday the results will not be announced until Sunday.

This is because the European Parliamentary elections are taking place across the EU's 28 member countries and different nations hold polls on different days.

Under EU rules the results cannot be announced until all the polls are closed so the rest of Europe will have to wait until the polling stations shut in Italy at 10pm.

For the lucky few winners who get to be MEPs the reward is pay of €7,957 a month, the equivalent to an annual salary of around £80,000 plus allowances that have been criticised as lavish and fuelled the reputation that Brussels is a "gravy train" funded at the expense of European taxpayers.


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