Monday 26 May 2014

Britain should be in 'fear' by Ulpic's hictoric election victory, Tony blair warns #BringBackOurGirls #Entertain9jar via @myentertain9jar

FORMER Prime Minister Tony Blair has claimed Britain should be "worried" by Ukip's victory in the European elections.

Tony Blair, Ukip, Nigel Farage, European elections, 2014, LabourTony Blair says Britain should be worried by the victory of Nigel Farage's party[GETTY/PA]
The ex-Labour leader made the remarks after Nigel Farage's anti-EU party topped the polls as Britain chose its representatives to the European Parliament.
For the first time in more than a century, a national vote has not been won by either the Conservatives or Labour.
But, Mr Blair did not make any mention of his former party's performance in the remarks to Swedish television.
He said: "Of course we should be worried when a party like Ukip comes first in the European election, it would be foolish not to be.
"But on the other hand we also have to stand for what is correct and right for the future of Britain in the 21st century."
Mr Blair also described the success of right-wing parties across the continent in the European Parliament elections as an "expression of anger".
He added: "When the world is changing so fast, to end up having the debate dominated by anti-immigrant feeling and a desire to get Britain out of Europe, these are not solutions for the 21st century.
"They might be expressions of anger about what is happening in the world but they are not answers to what is happening in the world.
"Of course we have to respond in Europe as a whole on these issues but we have also got to have the courage and the leadership to stand up and take these people on. And in the end it's an ideology and philosophy that has nothing to offer people".
Of course we should be worried when a party like Ukip comes first in the European election, it would be foolish not to be.
Tony Blair
But Mr Blair - a staunch pro-European while in office and who was once tipped to become the first-ever President of the European Council - admitted there was a "major issue" with the way the Europe worked.
He warned pro-Europeans had to take on board this message sent by voters and push through reform of Europe's institutions.
He added: "At the same time we have got to be strong enough to show the leadership, to take on this wave of anti-immigration and old-fashioned ultra-nationalist feeling which isn't the future, has nothing to offer people and is no real response to the challenges of the 21st century.
"So it's a balance, it's a balance in which we need both the courage to reform and the courage to lead."

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