Monday 19 May 2014

Drive of self-discovery: Author Robert Shore investigates his heritage for new book #BringBackOurGirls #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

IN an attempt to explain to his son what it means to be a Midlander, author Robert Shore toured the 'drive-through counties'. He discovered an English heritage to be proud of.

Robert Shore, Heritage, Midlander, Middle Ages, Family Tree, Son, History, Book, Colin Firth, Shakespeare and Pork Pies are all typical Middle Englanders[PA/GETTY]
It all began with an innocent question from a five-year-old. "Dad, what's a Miglander?" Hector may have mispronounced the word but I knew what he was trying to say. For some time he'd been badgering me with questions about where I was from, partly because he was in the middle of the classic "why/where/when" stage of child development, and partly because his school topic was About Ourselves. We live in melting-pot London and Hector's teacher had asked her young charges to find out as much about their parents' geographical origins as possible.
Hector's mother is from Paris so there his heritage is rich: baguettes and haute cuisine, berets and haute couture and a general allround je-ne-sais-quoi. As cultural legacies go you can't ask for better.
My contribution is thinner. I come from Mansfield, a former mining town in the East Midlands that was named, respectively, the sixth and ninth worst place to live in Britain in the 2005 and 2007 editions of The Best And Worst Places To Live In The UK on Channel 4. I've always loved Mans-field but I can see that compared with Paris, or Canada, Egypt, Iraq, Italy and the other locations Hector's school pals' parents come from, it lacks a certain glamour.
I'll bet you're pleased to be a Midlander, well, half a Midlander, now, eh?
Robert Shore
As for the wider Midlands nobody seems to know what or where that is. Everyone has an opinion about the North and South but as far as most people are concerned that big band of the country squashed between them on the map is entirely characterless.
So although I was in the habit of telling my son firmly and proudly that I was a Midlander, when he asked me what that actually meant I had to confess I didn't know.
And that's when I set myself the challenge of making a tour of this seemingly anonymous region of England to find out. Surely it must be more interesting than the middling, no-man's-land stereotypes suggested? Before setting off I did a little research. The results were hardly encouraging. A travel feature in one magazine listed the East Midlands under the heading Places That Suck. A tourist survey ran: "Industrial; built-up; heavily populated; busy; no countryside; uninteresting; nothing there; not touristy; unromantic; dark; dirty and grey; cold and windy."
The West Midlands fares little better. Research suggests that for most people a Birmingham accent signals low intelligence in the speaker. Legend has it that when Queen Victoria travelled through the Black Country, so named owing to the soot and grime that coated this industrialised area in the 19th century, she insisted on having the royal train's blinds pulled down.
Robert Shore, Heritage, Midlander, Middle Ages, Family Tree, Son, History, Book, Shore's book started out as a simple answer to one of his young son's questions about his heritage [PH]
And that's the way most non-Midlanders still prefer to experience the area: with the shutters firmly closed. Americans call their Midwest, that big, seemingly bland bit between the trendy coastal states, the "flyover states". We're a much smaller country and less given to taking domestic flights but by analogy you could call the Midlands the "drive-through counties": the boring, suburban, concreted-over bit you have to drive through as you pass between the more exuberantly characterful North and South of the country.
This regional anonymity is strongly reinforced in popular culture. TV soap operas have long been prime conveyors of ideas about English identity. Unsurprisingly the North and South dominate: London has EastEnders, Yorkshire Emmerdale, Manchester Coronation Street. It's perhaps just as well that the Midlands no longer has a major evening TV soap to its name - let's face it the woollyhat-wearing simpleton Benny in Crossroads wasn't doing the region's image any good.
These days reality shows are as integral to our sense of identity as soaps. Here again the North and South rule the roost: Desperate Scousewives; The Only Way Is Essex; Educating Essex; Educating Yorkshire; Made In Chelsea; Geordie Shore. As far as TV execs are concerned the Midlands obviously doesn't have the clout to carry a major-league reality show.
Football teams are another key to regional identity. Northern dominance of the soccer scene ensures that most Brits can locate Manchester and Liverpool on a map. By contrast the Midlands hasn't fielded a truly great team since the heyday of Messrs Clough and Taylor at Nottingham Forest.
Another reason the Midlands has such a low profile is that the natives don't like blowing their own trumpets - we're not Northerners, you know. One typical encounter I had on my travels ran a bit like this: Me: "Hello. I'm making a tour of the Midlands and I'm just in Grantham for the day. What would you recommend I do here?" Unassuming Granthamite, eyeing me suspiciously: "I'd leave straightaway if I were you. I always say the best thing about coming here is, wherever you go next, it'll be a big improvement. Travel east, west, north or south, you're sure to find yourself somewhere better." Now I find this spirit of Midland selfdeprecation lovable. It's quintessentially English, much more so than Northern chippiness or Southern smugness.
But it's not much use when you're trying to prove this undersung region is the true heart and soul of England.
Because it is, you know. As I discovered, almost everything of any value ever started in the Midlands. Midlanders have been powering national and even global history since the earliest times. The list of inventions and innovations emanating from the region is astonishing and its cultural achievements are no less staggering. I set off on my tour in October in time for the annual Goose Fair in Nottingham (Robin Hood, Brian Clough): continued via Melton Mowbray (pork pies, hunting); Leicester (knitwear, Walkers Crisps); Northampton (shoes, gnomes); Stratford (Shakespeare); Coventry (Lady Godiva, jet propulsion); Birmingham (chocolate, the Industrial Revolution); Stoke (pottery, the Staffordshire Hoard); and Derbyshire (scenes of natural beauty, Jane Austen's Mr Darcy).
By the end of last year I'd largely completed my journey and so was keen finally to deliver my answer to Hector's big question.
We were spending the festive season in Mansfield at my parents' house. I'd spent the day at Creswell Crags, the limestone gorge on the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire border where Ice Age Midlanders invented Brit Art and had returned home full of enthusiasm for the region's achievements.

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