Saturday 3 May 2014

ENTERTAIN9JAR EXCLUSIVE: David Cameron: 'UKIP wants to give up but I will fight' #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

BRITAIN deserves to have “one last go” at creating a suitable place for ­itself in the European Union, David ­Cameron ­insisted last night.

david cameron, politics, prime minister, vote, conservatives, ukip, eu, european union, european electionsDavid Cameron says that we need guarantees for the future[PA]
In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Express, the Prime Minster swept aside Ukip ambitions to “give up and raise the fortress walls”.
He claims he can deliver a plan for reform, which is vital because Britain and the EU need each other.
Throwing down the gauntlet to ­Brussels, he said: “Other members do not want to see us leave because we bring an enormous amount to the EU.
“I’m saying to them that if you want Britain to stay, there are changes we are going to have to make because, frankly, consent for membership of this organisation is wafer thin.”
Speaking after launching the ­Conservative campaign for the Euro elections, he laid out what he expected to “claw back” from Europe.
He said: “It is important to be clear.
"People need to know the aims that you have, how you’re going to deliver them and the end result – the referendum.
“I want a renegotiation so we get out of ever-closer union.
"It doesn’t apply to Britain.
“I want renegotiations to end benefit tourism and absolute guarantees about the sanctity and ­security of the single market, so we’re not forced into joining the euro.
"I want issues like the working-time directive imposed on the UK fundamentally sorted out and I want to make sure that our financial contribution is set to a reasonable limit.”
More control over justice and home affairs would also be part of the deal.
With polls showing Ukip’s “out of ­Europe” message in front at 38 per cent, Labour’s “stay in and don’t change anything” plan second with 27 per cent and the Tories’ “stay in but change things” at 18 per cent, Mr Cameron conceded the Euro elections would be tough.
But he insisted only the Tories ­offer Britons a true option of change.
He said: “I’m sure Nigel Farage was hoping the Germans, the Swedes, the Danes, the Dutch and others would say Cameron’s plan is impossible.
"Well, they haven’t.
“Other European leaders are saying we can work with this. Angela Merkel’s endorsement is important. But the point is, Ukip can’t deliver.
“At the end of the day, if you want a renegotiation and a referendum, which is the sensible position, there’s only one way of getting it, and that’s to vote Conservative.
"To those who have doubts I say look, people thought I couldn’t cut the budget, I did; people thought I wouldn’t veto a treaty, I did.
"People thought we wouldn’t get out of having to bail out other EU nations, but we have.”
Mr Cameron was speaking after touring the new JCB World Logistics facilities near Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs.
JCB, he said, had played a big part in what he termed the “Great British revival” and its new distribution plant had created 100 jobs.
The construction machinery giant is in line to receive £2.9million from the Government’s Regional Growth Fund to support job ­creation and training programmes.
 Cameron says that Ukip can't deliver [GETTY]
If you want a renegotiation and a referendum, which is the sensible position, there’s only one way of getting it, and that’s to vote Conservative
David Cameron
“JCB makes engines and moving equipment which they want to sell into ­Europe,” he said.
“To do that they will have to meet European standards.
"They would still have to do that if we left the European market.
“The difference is that I wouldn’t be sitting round a table fighting for Britain to make sure we get the right standards.
"It’s a fundamental argument.
"We’re a trading nation, we need access to Europe’s markets, which means access to the single market.
"But we need more than just access, we need a say.
“Ukip says throw in the towel, put up ­fortress walls and give up.
"I say, before making that choice, let’s have one last go at negotiating a set of conditions for Britain that will make membership of the EU worthwhile.”
Last week Mr Cameron pledged to step down as PM after next year’s general election if he could not deliver on his promise to hold a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.
He insisted last night, however, that his promise for reform was possible because other countries also want change.
“Can we achieve it?
"Absolutely we can, ­because other countries in Europe want treaty change,” he said.
“So I am able to argue that, yes, the single currency needs change but so do other areas to embed the flexibility and competitiveness Britain wants.”
He echoed findings contained in a recent report by the cross-party National Security Strategy committee, which warned that, if Britain opted out of the EU, “our relevance to Washington would ­diminish significantly and the US will turn more to Berlin and Paris.
“In Washington’s view, the EU and Nato have transformed Europe in the last 50 years into a safe, stable and prosperous region,” former British ambassador to Washington Sir David Manning told the committee.
“Any weakening of the EU or Nato as a ­result of a diminished UK commitment to ­either organisation would be a source of concern and regret to the US, who would see it as jeopardising both the fabric and future of the transatlantic relationship.”
Mr Cameron said even federalist EU states would regret the UK’s departure.
“Britain brings a lot to Europe.
"How are we going to stand up to challenges like Russia, which is behaving in an unacceptable way towards Ukraine?
"We have enormous influence on that decision.
"How are we going to achieve a free trade agreement with the US, again Britain has a massive role to play.
“There’s no doubt about it that this is going to be a tough election but I feel confident about the Conservative message.
“In the past we’ve gone into elections saying ‘We want this back from Europe or that’ but we’ve never had the full answer to all the questions.
"That’s what I’m providing.
“I’m saying, ‘Here’s how we get it, and here’s how it ends, with a referendum’.
“I think it’s a very compelling offer.”

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