Tuesday 13 May 2014

'A great day' What teen wrote in her diary on trip when she claims Rolf Harris abused her #BringOurGirlsBack #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

THE DIARY of a woman who claims she was sexually abused by Rolf Harris showed "no hint of unhappiness", and described a "great" day with the entertainer and his family, a court has heard.

 Harris was supported by his wife and daughter as he arrived at court today [AP/PA]
Under cross-examination at Southwark Crown Court today, the alleged victim, who was a friend of Harris' daughter Bindi, was taken through diary entries from the trip to Hawaii in the 1970s.
She claims that Harris, 84, touched her intimately during the holiday, during which she was aged 13, and went on to abuse her for a number of years.
The woman is named on seven of the 12 counts of indecent assault that veteran entertainer Harris faces, all of which he denies.
Defending, Sonia Woodley QC asked her: "No mention in the diary or any hint of anything which had happened to you at the hands of Rolf Harris, is there?"
She replied: "I wouldn't have put it in the diary", adding: "I would have made it sound better in the diary."
Her entry for the first full day there, December 20, read: "Today was great because we went on the beach and went swimming."
Ms Woodley said that there was "no hint of unhappiness" in the notes, and put it to the woman that she could be "stubborn, wilful and argumentative" as a teenager.
The woman has claimed that the first time Harris assaulted her was when she had just got out of the shower in Hawaii.
Ms Woodley asked how the entertainer would have got into the girl's room, and told the woman: "I suggest that nothing of that nature happened at all."
Asked about a second alleged assault on the beach in Hawaii, the woman said that although Bindi and Harris's wife Alwen were just a few feet away they would not have noticed she was upset because she "didn't show it".
Jurors were told that the woman flirted with the veteran entertainer, encouraging him to sit on the bed she was in as he brought her a cup of tea.
The woman denied the claims, and also said there was no "sexual chemistry" between her and Harris.
Ms Woodley also said that it was "quite possible" that the woman did not visit the Harris home in Bray until she was over 16-years-old.
The woman agreed that this could have been the case.
 The entertainer denies the charges against him [TIM MERRY]
Harris has admitted having a sexual relationship with the woman, but claims it did not start when she was underage.
Ms Woodley also accused the woman of reacting in a "jealous" way when Bindi confided in her that she thought her father was having an affair.
The woman replied: "Absolutely not, no way, I wasn't jealous at all."
Ms Woodley continued: "What you did was to try and absolve yourself from blame and say that Rolf Harris had abused you, when in fact you knew perfectly well that you had a consensual relationship with him.
"Once you had told that story you had to stick with it, didn't you?"
The alleged victim denied the barrister's claims.
The woman has also alleged that she had an unwanted sexual encounter with Harris in her flat when she was 28 after she invited him over to discuss his daughter Bindi.
Ms Woodley said: "You could so easily have not invited him, but you did, didn't you?", to which the woman said: "Yes, I did, because I wanted to help Bindi."
But the barrister said: "I suggest that the reason that you rang him was because of the sexual relationship that you two had been having.
"I suggest that after a very short time, never having mentioned anything about Bindi, the two of you went into the bedroom," adding that the woman had consented to the encounter.
The alleged victim said: "I was drunk at the time, I turned into an alcoholic because of him.
"I was drunk, I was frightened of him and I wouldn't have said no to him."
The woman previously told the court that she and Bindi had not spoken for six or seven years after having a "bust-up".
The court heard that it is claimed the woman called Bindi a "f****** bitch" and a "f****** cow" and hit her.
But she said: "No, she called me a f****** bitch and a f****** cow.
"I flung my arm out in just a reaction and it hit her. I didn't mean to."
The case continues.


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