Friday 2 May 2014

IT took FOUR HOURS to begin search for #MH370 missing Malysia AAirlines plane #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @imentertain9jar

AIR TRAFFIC controllers did not realise Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was missing until 17 minutes after it disappeared from radar, and did not launch a search until four hours later, a new report has revealed.

 Hishammuddin Hussein and the new route believed to have been taken by the plane [REUTERS/AP]
Recordings of conversations between the plane and air traffic control, the plane's cargo manifest, and a full list of passengers and the seating plan were also all released today.
The Malaysian government report showed that the plane went off-radar at 1.21am on March 8.
Vietnamese air traffic control began contacting Kuala Lumpar at 1.38am when they failed to establish contact, according to the five-page report, which was completed early last month.
Malaysian authorities did not launch an official search and rescue operation until four hours later, at 5.30am, after efforts to locate the plane failed.
It was initially thought the plane may have entered Cambodian airspace, until the suggestion was rejected by Cambodian authorities.
However, the new information released today shows the plane skirted Indonesian territory as it went off-course.
The report has suggested international aviation authorities examine the benefits of introducing tracking to passenger planes.
Currently, there is no requirement for real-time tracking of commercial aircraft.
 Officials brief the families of the missing passengers [AP]
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak last week appointed a team of experts to review all the information the government has regarding the missing plane, and decide which information should be made public.
Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said authorities reviewed data from Malaysian military radar hours after the plane vanished from civilian radar, and only then discovered that it had tracked the jet making a turn back in a westerly direction across Peninsular Malaysia.
"The aircraft was categorised as friendly by the radar operator and therefore no further action was taken at the time," Mr Hussein said.
The cargo manifest includes a receipt for a package containing lithium ion batteries, noting that the package "must be handled with care."
Some questions had been raised in March about the batteries, but Malaysia Airlines said then that they were in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Air Transport Association requirements and classified as "non-dangerous goods."
Meanwhile, Malaysia Airlines on Thursday told relatives of passengers who were aboard Flight MH370 to move out of hotels and return home to wait for news on the search for the plane.
Since the jet disappeared, the airline has been putting the relatives up in hotels and briefed them on the search.
But the airline said in a statement that it would close its family assistance centres around the world by May 7, and that the families should receive search updates from "the comfort of their own homes."
Malaysia Airlines also said it would pay advance compensation to the relatives.
The plane vanished during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.
It is believed to have crashed into a remote part of the Indian Ocean.

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