Saturday 3 May 2014

Judge Briscoe jailed... and a third high-flier is brought down by Huhne speeding fine lies #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

A SIMPLE speeding ticket brought down a third high-flier yesterday as judge Constance Briscoe was jailed for 16 months for her part in the Chris Huhne points scandal.

speeding fine, Chris Huhne, speeding ticket, Constance Briscoe, ex-Cabinet, Vicky PryceConstance Briscoe arrives at the Old Bailey yesterday to hear her sentence [GETTY]
She followed ex-Cabinet minister Huhne and former government adviser Vicky Pryce to prison for lying about who was driving at 19mph over the limit.
Briscoe followed courtroom courtesy and said: “I am grateful, my lord” as she was led to the cells at the Old Bailey.
The five words were her last as a barrister and she will be thrown out of the legal profession after being found guilty of perverting the course of justice.
Her downfall had its origins in 2003 when Huhne and ex-wife Pryce both lied about who was driving when he exceeded the speed limit in his BMW in Chigwell, Essex.
At the time, Huhne was a member of the European Parliament and would have lost his licence if he had told the truth.
The couple were still married and Pryce agreed to accept the points.
But by 2011 she and the then Secretary of State for Energy had split up when she admitted she had falsely claimed to be driving the car at 69mph in a 50mph zone.
Huhne admitted perverting the course of justice and his ex-wife was found guilty of the same charge at London’s Southwark Crown Court in March last year.
Both were jailed for eight months. Pryce said she had been forced to accept the points by her husband.
Briscoe had claimed to be an independent witness.
But as a close friend of Pryce, the 56-year-old – a role model as one of Britain’s first black female judges – was secretly masterminding a media campaign against Huhne.
Claiming to be impartial, in reality she was “determined to go in for the kill” and finish off his political career.
Mr Justice Baker told Briscoe yesterday: “If there is a common thread between you all, I regret it is one of arrogance of educated individuals who considered that respect for the law was for others.
If there is a common thread between you all, I regret it is one of arrogance of educated individuals who considered that respect for the law was for others
Justice Baker
"You were motivated, as was Vicky Pryce, by the joint desire to ensure the downfall of Chris Huhne.”
He said Briscoe’s lies “struck at the heart of our much-cherished system of criminal justice”.
The depth of ill-feeling between the three Establishment figures was revealed in a statement from Huhne after Briscoe’s guilty verdict on Thursday.
He called her a “compulsive and self-publicising fantasist”, adding: “British justice is likely to be a lot fairer with Briscoe behind bars.”
Huhne called on the Crown Prosecution Service to launch an urgent review of cases where Briscoe prosecuted and the defendants were convicted.
He said: “If she can make up the witness statements used as the key evidence against me, she is clearly capable of hiding evidence she should have disclosed to the defence in the many cases that she prosecuted.”
A spokesman for Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders said there would be no review.
Mother-of-two Briscoe, of Clapham, south London, had denied three counts of perverting the course of justice.
However, an Old Bailey jury found her guilty of lying to the police about her contact with the media over the speeding affair.
She then changed a police statement to try and cover up her tracks.

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