Tuesday 13 May 2014

Vince Cable's 'culture of waste': Department spends £500k on headhunters for just 15 staff #BringOurGirlsBack #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

THE Government department that advises people on how to set up and run businesses has spent almost £500,000 on fees to headhunters in the past two years as it scrambled to recruit 15 top level civil service roles.

 Vince Cable's Business Department has been accused of 'reckless spending'[PA]
This reckless spending demonstrates a culture of waste at the heart of the Department.
John O'Connell, from spending watchdog The TaxPayers' Alliance
Vince Cable's Department of Business and Skills was today accused of presiding over a “culture of waste” as it spent £484,000 on recruitment consultants and job adverts for just 15 posts.

Despite the huge outlay on advertising the roles externally, the department actually appointed internal candidates to four of the roles.

More than half of the posts were for roles in the Department of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) - which is responsible for promoting British businesses abroad.

The figures were released under the Freedom of Information Act, and John O'Connell, from spending watchdog The TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "This reckless spending demonstrates a culture of waste at the heart of the Department.

"It is remarkable that Whitehall officials believe spending nearly half a million pounds on recruitment consultants is good value for money, especially when some of that was used only to find people who were working down the corridor.

"Unless waste like this is stamped out, our trillion-pound debt mountain will continue to grow."
 David Cameron with Andrew Cahn, the then chief executive of UKTI, in 2010 [PA]
UKTI spent £24,000 plus VAT on recruitment fees to find a new chief executive for the UK Space Agency - and then appointed the man who was already in the post on an interim basis, Dr David Parker, to the role, which pays up to £120,000 a year.

A further £30,000 plus VAT was spent on recruiting Cranfield University's Vice Chancellor Sir John O'Reilly into the role of director general for Knowledge and Innovation in February 2013.

The job was advertised as paying £149,999 a year.

The highest payout, £75,000 plus VAT, was to help the recruitment of three deputy directors for the UKTI's marketing department, while another £56,700 was paid out to recruit a deputy director of 'UKTI Tech City'.

Recruitment consultants traditionally take a percentage of a job's salary as payment, with rates in this instance around the 20 per cent mark.

In 2012/13 UKTI spent £3,773,114 on redundancy packages for just 74 civil servants - an average pay out of £60,000.

The same year it spent £1,137,000 of taxpayer's cash on "consultancy" fees.

The use of recruitment agencies is widespread across Whitehall, with one Government source arguing they are needed to help ensure the civil service attracts the best talent.

A spokesman for the Department of Business and Skills declined to comment on the use of recruitment agencies, or this spend of £484,000.

Instead, he said: "By 2015 we will have reduced our administrative spend by £500million - 50 per cent in five years - and plan to go even further."

It is not the first time the UKTI - which is part funded by the Foreign Office - has hit the headlines for how it spends taxpayer's cash.

In 2011, UKTI's then chief executive Sir Andrew Cahn came in for criticism after he urged staff to invent ways to blow £1million of public money.


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