Friday 23 May 2014

'It was so upsetting to see' RSPCA rescue 78 rabbits kept in overcrowded cages #BringBackOurGirls #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

A WOMAN has been banned from keeping animals after shocked RSPCA inspectors discovered she kept almost 80 rabbits in cramped cages.

 The RSPCA said that the conditions the rabbits were kept in were "upsetting" [SWNS]
Julie Cecen, 50, was disqualified from keeping animals for five years after dumping 15 rabbits in woodland near her home and keeping another 78 in cramped cages stacked on top of each other.
Three of the animals were so malnourished that they suffered convulsions, and two of them died.
Cecen, from Barnet, north London, was found guilty of six offences under the Animal Welfare Act at Willesden Magistrates Court.
She was found to have failed to meet the needs of 78 rabbits by not providing them with a suitable environment, and also found to have abandoned a further 15 rabbits in nearby woods.
 Three of the rabbits were so malnourished they suffered convulsions [SWNS]
She was disqualified from keeping all animals for five years, given a curfew order with an electronic tag and made to pay £9,000 costs.
RSPCA Inspector Nicole Broster said: "This was a case of rabbits which had overbred with the numbers rapidly spiralling and shows how easily things can get out of control.
"A vet who visited the property said the needs of these rabbits were clearly not being met - they simply did not have a suitable environment.
"Overcrowded cages were stacked on top of each other and they were not being given a proper diet or provided with enough fresh water. It was so upsetting to see."
District Judge Brennan said in sentencing: "Ms Cecen did not set out to deliberately hurt the rabbits, but their numbers grew and grew and she was less and less in control.
"As a result, two rabbits died." 

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