Monday, 21 April 2014

Simple pleasures: Little things that mean a lot #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @i_amreginaldjr

LITTLE things mean a lot, but sometimes the smallest – and strangest – of them can make your day. Sarah Smith goes in search of the feel-good factor

health, life, pleasure, simple, tricks, happiness, happy, Sara SmithLittle things mean a lot, but sometimes the smallest – and strangest – of them can make your day[S MAG]
Pennies from heaven
Whether it’s a fiver in a neglected purse, a two-pound coin in a rarely worn jacket or loose change down the back of the sofa, discovering cash always feels like a mini lottery win. This is because, according to chartered psychologist Dr Carie Schuster, even the smallest unexpected sums make us feel blessed. “For a moment, it’s as though the whole universe is working in our favour,” she says. “That’s a powerful feeling that our ancestors knew all about, which is why you get folklore sayings such as, ‘Find a penny, pick it up then all day long you’ll have good luck.’”
The joy of socks
“Ahhh,” you go, the first time your feet slide effortlessly into a fresh pair of Argyles. But why? A new scarf or pair of gloves may be nice, but it’s hardly cause for ecstasy. “There are 52 bones in the feet, which is about a quarter of all the bones we have,” explains Tracey Smith of the Association of Reflexologists. “These are covered by more than 7,000 nerve endings – more than almost any other area of the body – so they are super-sensitive, and the tension of the elastic in new socks is like giving your feet a big hug.”
It’s a gas 
£19.94, £19.98, £19.99… £20.00. Yaaay! That’s about as good as you can feel, at least on the petrol forecourt. What a contrast with that obscure sense of disappointment or even shame as you trudge inside to hand over £20.01. “There’s something beautifully childlike and playful about this,” says psychologist Sally Austen. “By challenging ourselves to get that fuel exact to the last drop, we’re turning a chore into a game – and just for a moment that feels like ‘bunking off’ from the pressures and responsibilities of adult life.”
…but not this morning, because you’ve awoken  just seconds before the alarm and silenced that beastly bell before it shatters your slumbers. Energised and triumphant, you’re now ready to face the day. Why do you feel so good? Sleep scientists at Germany’s University of Lubeck have shown that if you rise regularly at the same time each day, your body can learn to prepare itself. About an hour before you wake up, it begins to release stress hormones and sleep becomes lighter and lighter. In other words, you’ve made a gradual transition from sleep to wakefulness – so much nicer than the sudden assault of a bell going off in your ear. If you never experience this, your body is telling you to go to bed earlier and keep more regular hours.
Give me some space
You know that fist- pump you do when you’ve zipped into the only free parking space and everyone else is still driving round and round? You are not alone. “Driving feels highly competitive and goal-focused,” says psychologist Dr Victoria Galbraith ( “Your whole being becomes narrowed down to this one task, and elation at achieving it creates a surge of the ‘happy’ hormone dopamine in the brain.” 
health, life, pleasure, simple, tricks, happiness, happy, Sara SmithDriving feels highly competitive and goal-focused [GETTY]
Barefoot in the park
It’s widely claimed that walking barefoot on grass can help decrease anxiety and depression by increasing the levels of feel-good endorphins. “The most primitive way of healing the body is by putting bare feet on natural ground,” says US cardiologist Dr Stephen Sinatra. “I call it caveman medicine and I thoroughly recommend it.”
To DIY for
Do you find it difficult to step into a traditional hardware shop without taking a deep breath? “That delicious, old-fashioned aroma is a mixture of wood, oil, beeswax and glue,” explains Dr G Neil Martin, author of The Neuropsychology of Smell and Taste. “All these smells are pleasant and activate your primary olfactory cortex. This provokes the brain which, in turn, gives you the pleasant experience.”
A brush with pleasure
For many of us girls, one of our happiest childhood memories is of Mum brushing our hair. “The reason this is so nice,” says Francis McGlone, professor of cognitive neuroscience at Liverpool John Moores University, “is that we have a lot of special nerves in our scalps. Called C-tactile nerves  and only recently identified, these respond to a gentle stroking touch.” But not just any gentle touch – which is probably why no one does it better than Mum. “These nerves are very particular about the type of stimulation they respond to,” explains Professor McGlone. “A gentle caress that moves along at about 5cm per second, with light pressure, is ideal. Then the C-tactile nerves become slowly excited, which produces a gentle, consistently pleasurable feeling as the parts of the brain responsible for wellbeing and happiness are activated.” 

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