Monday, 21 April 2014

Why we need to teach girls how to love their bodies in the age of selfies #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @i_amreginaldjr

WITH teens under pressure to look good online, writer and parenting expert Tanith Carey explains why she hopes to free her daughters from weight worries

 Teenagers are at risk of lower self-esteem when exposed to hundreds of posed images from their peers[POSED BY MODEL/ALAMY]
Like any sisters close in age my daughters Lily and Clio squabble. During these rows, which can be triggered by anything from whose turn it is to clear the dinner plates to who is better at netball, Clio, nine, will throw the usual insults to get back at her sibling, branding her “useless” or “pathetic”.
Meanwhile Lily, 12, retaliates in a more teenage way with replies such as: “Get a life” and “Talk to someone who cares.”
But I know the row is really getting out of hand when one of the girls pulls out the big guns and calls the other “fat”. It’s the ultimate insult that plays off the low self-esteem often found in girls.
Neither Lily nor Clio are overweight but such is its terrifying power that “fat” has become the most feared F-word in our language.
Usually when my daughters argue I take a hands-off approach but the moment one of them utters that particular low blow it’s as if a grenade has been thrown in the room.
Immediately I feel compelled to intervene and soothe the one in floods of tears and reassure her it’s not true. After all, for the modern mother the spectre of eating disorders is always hovering.
It seems that no sooner are our daughters out of nappies than they have started fretting about their body image. Statistics show that one in 10 young people develops an eating disorder before they are 25 and one in five primary school girls has dieted.
 Lots of preparation goes into taking a selfie snap to make sure everything looks just 'right' [POSED BY MODEL/GETTY]
Lily is not even a teenager yet but already it seems that many of her peers are falling by the wayside.
The other day I was told that an old friend of Lily has been diagnosed with anorexia, while another has been self-harming.
Then a shocked friend told me how, on what was meant to be a fun shopping trip, her 11-year-old daughter had wept in her arms because she couldn’t fit through the arm-holes of a Zara top meant for her age.
It seems that no sooner are our daughters out of nappies than they have started fretting about their body image
Growing up in a society where thin means perfect, this child, who has since refused to let her mother into a changing room with her, already believed she was a failure.
Now as she comes up to the age of 13 Lily is swimming in these treacherous waters.
She will also be legally old enough to register for a Facebook account. This is especially worrying as new research is suggesting that Facebook could play a part in this lack of body confidence.
A report this week found that the self-esteem of girls who spend a lot of time on the social networking site could be damaged by seeing endless posed-up pictures of their friends.
The study by the University of Strathclyde revealed the more time they spend on the network the more they compare their bodies to those of their peers and the worse they feel about their appearance.
I cannot responsibly allow her to step into this hall of distorted fairground mirrors by herself without warning her about what she might see.
Teenage girls already see an average of 400 images of celebrities and models a day telling them what they are supposed to look like.
If she signs up to Facebook Lily will also be invited to join this cattle market and compare herself to thousands of her peers all desperately trying to win Facebook likes and reassure themselves that they are pretty.
As Joanne, a 14-year-old girl I interviewed for my book Where Has My Little Girl Gone? told me: “Me and my friends are always trying to take ‘thin’ pictures of ourselves to put on Facebook.
“It’s important to have a really good profile picture to get more friends.”
Despite appearances, Facebook and other social networking sites are not level playing fields. These days airbrushing is not just reserved for models on the front of magazines.
Anyone with a smartphone can do it. Selfies always look better than real-life because you can manipulate the angle and thin yourself down by taking it from above. Yet the brain does not always register this trickery.
With body image issues part of the air our children breathe as they grow up we can never completely shield them.
We can only inoculate them by talking, educating and helping them challenge the images they see.
We need to point out, as the late entrepreneur Anita Roddick once did so memorably: “There are over three billion women who don’t look like supermodels and only eight who do.”

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