Tuesday 13 May 2014

Golfer Alastair Forsyth defends decision to continue play after his caddie dies #BringOurGirlsBack #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

GOLFER Alastair Forsyth has defended his decision to finish a round after his caddie died.

Golf, Alastair Forsyth, Iain McGregor, Madeira Islands Open, Portugal, Zimbabwe, A minutes silence was held in the clubhouse to remember caddie Iain McGregor[GETTY]
The Scot was on the ninth hole at the Madeira Islands Open at Santo da Serra on Sunday when Iain McGregor suffered a heart attack.
Paramedics battled in vain to save the 52-year-old Zimbabwean on the fairway in front of shocked players. The decision was taken to resume play that day, much to the disgust of some competitors.
Forsyth, 38, said: “Everyone is in shock. To see that happen to someone – I don’t know how or when you get over that.”
Everyone is in shock. To see that happen to someone – I don’t know how or when you get over that
Alastair Forsyth
But after speaking to playing partners Adam Gee and Tano Goya plus European Tour chief executive George O’Grady, it was decided to finish the competition.
Forsyth said: “We felt that was what Mac would have wanted. He was very popular.”
Yet Sweden’s Joel Sjoholm, who had worked with Mr McGregor, said: “Can’t believe that they are sending out players to finish the second and final round when someone just died.” Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Gonnet said: “There is no respect. How you can even walk on the fairway?”
A European Tour statement said: “Following consultation with players and caddies, it was decided play should continue. A minute’s silence took place at the clubhouse.”


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