Tuesday 13 May 2014

Polls set Tories in front for first time in two years #BringOurGirlsBack #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

DAVID Cameron’s hopes of remaining in No 10 after next year’s General Election were dramatically boosted last night when a poll showed the Tories ahead for the first time in two years.

Conservatives, David Cameron, Coalition, Government, House of Commons, House of Lords, Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband, Nigel Farage, Cameron's popularity grows and grows as he is pictured here, being included in a selfie [GETTY]
More than 1,000 voters give the Conservatives a 2 per cent lead over Labour.
The survey is bound to raise morale among Tory MPs, suggesting the party is at last gaining credit for the improving economy.
And it will fuel concerns among Ed Miliband’s team that Labour support appears to be dwindling with just 12 months to go.
The phone poll was commissioned by Lord Ashcroft.
Despite the peer’s Tory allegiance, his polls are taken seriously by the three major parties. In a further blow for Mr Miliband today, a poll for The Guardian newspaper also gives the Tories a two- point lead.
The Ashcroft survey found 34 per cent plan to vote Tory in May 2015 while 32 per cent back Labour and just nine per cent the Lib Dems. The Guardian’s ICM poll puts the Tories on 33 per cent, with Labour sliding six points to 31 per cent.
The Tory lead is somewhat more slender than it looks.
Lord Ashcroft
Both polls find 15 per cent plan to vote for Ukip, about half the number recent polls have said will support Nigel Farage’s party in next week’s European elections.
Such an outcome would push the Lib Dems into fourth place but would probably not be enough to gain Ukip any MPs. Last night Lord Ashcroft was cautious about his poll.
He said: “The Tory lead is somewhat more slender than it looks. If one fewer interviewee had named the Conservatives, the party’s score would have been rounded down to 33 per cent rather than up to 34 per cent and the lead would be down to one point.”
The poll also emphasises the scale of the task faced by the Conservatives to win. It suggests Labour would be the largest party in a hung parliament, 16 seats short of a majority.
Mr Cameron came top when voters were asked how they felt about leaders on a scale from 100 to minus 100.
He scored minus 3.88 while Mr Miliband scored minus 8.83, Ukip’s Nigel Farage was rated at minus 19.3 and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg was rated minus 19.74.


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