Friday 2 May 2014

'You show no remorse' Max Clifford sentenced to EIGHT YEARS in prison #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @imentertain9jar

MAX CLIFFORD was today sentenced to eight years in prison after being convicted of eight counts of indecent assault.

 Max Clifford arrives at Southwark Crown Court today[FAMEFLYNET]
The publicist, who shook his head repeatedly thoughout the judge's sentencing, showed no reaction as he was told he must serve at least four years in jail.
However, supporters on the public bench behind him burst into tears as the sentence was passed down and Clifford was led from the dock.
The judge, Anthony Leonard QC, told him he has shown "no remorse" for his crimes.
He said: "These offences may have taken place a long time ago, when inappropriate and trivial sexual behaviour was more likely to be tolerated, but your offending was not trivial, but of a very serious nature."
Judge Leonard also referred to Clifford's mimicking of a Sky News reporter outside of Southwark Crown Court during his trial.
He said: "I find your behaviour to be quite extraordinary and a further indication that you show no remorse", before adding: "I can only hope that these proceedings will provide all your victims with some sort of closure."
The judge said that due to the age of the offences - which occurred between 1977 and 1984 - Clifford was charged under an act from 1956, which set the maximum term at two years.
Under later legislation passed in 2003, the maximum term would have been 10 years, and for the worst instances would have been charged as rape or assault by penetration, which attract a maximum life term, the court heard.
Clifford's legal team said they were "seriously considering" appealing the sentence.
Speaking outside the court after the sentencing, Detective Chief Inspector Michael Orchard of the Met Police's Operation Yewtree team, said: "Following today's sentence I would like to again thank all of the victims for their courage, strength and bravery in coming forward.
"Without their support we would not have secured this conviction."
 Clifford, pictured in 2012, was convicted earlier this week [AFP]
I stand by everything I have said in the last 17 months
Max Clifford
Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders said: "The prosecution was built with evidence demonstrating a pattern of behaviour where unconnected victims told of strikingly similar experiences over a number of years.
"I would like to thank all the victims for coming forward and giving evidence in difficult circumstances.
"I hope this provides other victims with the courage and confidence to come forward and report abuse that may have happened to them, no matter who is alleged to have carried out the abuse or when."
Clifford, 71, was found guilty by a jury on Monday after eight days of deliberation.
He was cleared of a further two counts, and the panel could not agree on an 11th.
Earlier, prosecutor Rosina Cottage QC confirmed that no re-trial will be sought over the remaining count.
Before entering court today Clifford remained defiant, despite admitting it was "not the best day" of his life.
During his eight-week trial, he had branded his victims "fantasists" and "opportunists".
He added: "I stand by everything I have said in the last 17 months."
"I just have to make the best of it, that's what I've got to do. I've got nothing to add to what I've said in the past."
He went on: "I just have to make the best of what the court gives me. It is the same as I have felt since it started 17 months ago, it is like living under a dark cloud.
"It is the same for my family... for my daughter and everyone close to me."
 Max Clifford faces a lengthy sentence at London's Southwark Crown Court [AP]
During his trial, Southwark Crown Court had heard that he used his celebrity connections and the promise of fame to lure young girls aged 14 to 19 into his central London offices or into cars.
He claimed he could turn one 15 year-old into "the next Jodie Foster" and claimed actress Julie Christie had told him she should take the teenager's virginity.
He also bragged to another victim that he had slept with Diana Ross, and said he could get her a part in a James Bond film if she slept with 007 producer Albert 'Cubby' Broccoli.
Other victims were also offered parts in films such as Octopussy before being assaulted.
He was also accused of ringing girls and pretending to be Hollywood bigwigs such as Steven Spielberg, Albert Broccoli and Michael Winner on the phone.
However, when his time came to give evidence, Clifford accused the women of being "fantasists and opportunists."
He has denied claims that his PR business is set to cease trading, after charities and clients such as Simon Cowell distanced themselves from him in the wake of his conviction.

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