Friday 2 May 2014

Thumbs up for Stephen - as he is discharged from hospital #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @imentertain9jar

A TEENAGER with incurable cancer who has raised more than £3 million for charity - and was praised by the Prime Minister - has been discharged from hospital.

 Stephen pictured with David Cameron [PA]
Stephen Sutton, 19, was being treated for multiple tumours at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital and was visited by David Cameron who praised the teenager's "incredible" zest for life.
Stephen has announced on Facebook that he has been discharged from hospital and described his recovery as "quite remarkable".
Mr Cameron has tweeted a link to Stephen's Just Giving page, where he is raising money for the Teenage Cancer Trust, urging people to donate, saying: "An honour to meet @_StephensStory today - his courage is an inspiration to all of us."
On Facebook, Stephen wrote: "I then also have some more great news...I've been discharged from hospital!!
"After being at a point where it seemed like I'd never make it out it feels so awesome to be able to put that. The recovery I've undergone recently is quite remarkable .
"It has been difficult, there is an emotional trauma attached to nearly dying (a few times) that will take a while to get used to, but ultimately I now feel even more fortunate to just be here and the experience serves as a potent reminder to go out there and live life as freely and as positively as possible.
"The simple things we take for granted are all blessings, and living truly is a privilege we should all try and enjoy and make the most of!"
 Stephen has raised more than £3m for charity [FACEBOOK/STEPHEN SUTTON]
Ultimately I now feel even more fortunate to just be here
Stephen Sutton
During Mr Cameron's visit, lasting around 15 minutes, Stephen, whose fund-raising for the Teenage Cancer Trust has won backing from people around the world, posed for pictures alongside the Prime Minister, his mother Jane and the consultant treating him.
Stephen, from Burntwood, Staffordshire, has raised more than £3.1 million in donations from 131,000 people since posting Stephen's Story, a film about his bucket list, on the internet.
Mr Cameron, who gave Stephen a letter saying he was humbled by his bravery and positive attitude, had previously missed out on meeting the teenager when he visited Downing Street to tick off an item on his bucket list last year.
After visiting the ward where Stephen is being cared for, Mr Cameron said: "He's amazing, just an inspiration.
"Anyone who watches that video on YouTube just can't help but be impressed by his bravery and courage but also his incredible warmth and passion for life.
"It really is extraordinary."
Stephen said he has discussed the possibility of trying a new trial drug treatment, which would be his fifth regime of chemotherapy.
However, for the time being Stephen said he and his family aimed to "just get a bit of normality back into our lives".
He added: "This extra period of time I now have feels like a gift, one that I'm determined to use productively.
"I'll be probably be straight back to doing some crazy stuff/events/etc soon, but for now, it just feels great to be home!!" 

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