Saturday 3 May 2014

Wombles and sheep take pride of place in annual canal boat festival #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

THE 13th Skipton Waterway Festival kicked off this weekend, bringing the great and good of the canal boating world to North Yorkshire.

 A participant in the 13th annual Skipton Waterway Festival [GETTY]
The annual three-day event saw swarms of boaters descending on Skipton to enjoy the May sunshine.
The theme for this year's festival was cycling - in honour of the Tour De France, which is set to be held in the county later this year.
 The theme for this year's event was the Tour de France... [GETTY]
 ... and even the Wombles got in on the action [GETTY]
Around 70 boaters and 10,000 visitors attended the festival on the Skipton canal basin.
Stalls laid on for the event included homemade crafts, charity stalls, vintage engines and heritage boats.
A race is due to be held tomorrow.
 Around 70 boaters attended the event [GETTY]

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