Thursday 1 May 2014

FUNNY: Obsolete technology once touched as the future - Cassettes, pagers and Betamax #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

TECHNOLOGY geeks have named music cassettes as the number one gadget that was once touted as the future, but is now an obsolete antique to them.

Cassettes, pagers, Betamax, technology, Cassettes have topped a list of once high-tech gadgets that are now obsolete[GETTY]
Tapes came ahead of defunct video format Betamax and Polaroid cameras on the list of gadgets that were once viewed as the height of technology.

Floppy discs, Tamagotchi toys and Mini disc players are also among the relics of the Nineties that feature.

However, modern pieces of technology like sat-navs, MP3 players and DVDs are surprising additions in the top 50 out-of-date gadgets.
 Floppy discs also featured highly on the list of out-of-date tech [GETTY]
I’ve always been a real gadget addict. Every time a new piece of tech came out I had to have it
A study respondent
The list was compiled by money saving website who quizzed 500 shoppers about which technology was now dead to them.

One woman who took part in the study said: "I used to have so many different gadgets knocking around the house, but now, most of them are all encompassed in my iPhone.

"When each new piece of tech came out we thought it was here to stay but then before we knew it they were out of date and something had taken its place."

One man said: "I’ve always been a real gadget addict. Every time a new piece of tech came out I had to have it.

"I’ve seen loads of pieces of tech come and go, it’s just fascinating to see how much tech is now amalgamated into one single device."
 Tamagotchi toys and Mini disc players are also among the relics of the Nineties that feature [GETTY]
Louise Martin from said: "Each time a new piece of technology is unveiled, it will inevitably kill off a pre-existing gadget.

"Just look at videos. We had them for ages until DVDs took over, they’ve all but been killed off by Blue-Rays and even they are showing signs of faltering against online movie streaming."


1. Cassettes
2. Vinyl
3. Floppy discs
4. Fax machines
5. Walkmans
6. Gramophone
7. Camera film
8. Video recorders
9. Betamax
10. Cathode TVs
11. Palm tops
12. Pagers
13. Dial-up internet
14. Analogue radio
15. Answering machines
16. Typewriters
17. Matrix printers
18. Word processors
19. Overhead projector
20. Mini disc player
21. DAT machine
22. Videos
23. Polaroid cameras
24. Disposable cameras
25. Reel to reel projectors
26. Public pay phones
27. Sinclair C5
28. Nintendo Gameboys
29. Playstation 1
30. Slide projector
31. Calculators
32. Tamagotchi
33. Wires
34. Dash-mounted sat navs
35. Alarm clocks
36. Dedicated mp3 player
37. DVDs
38. Dictaphones
39. Cigarette lighters in cars
40. Black and white mobile phones
41. Personal organisers
42. Arcade games
43. Wrist watch
44. Teletext
45. Car keys
46. Bluetooth earpieces
47. Magnetic strip cards
48. Credit card imprinters
49. Stopwatch
50. Ghetto-blasters/boom box

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