Friday 2 May 2014

He wishes for death, begs patients after Stepping Hill Hospital's 13 errors #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

A FATHER-of-two scrawled “Do not resuscitate” on his own stomach after a series of hospital blunders left him in agonising pain, an inquest heard yesterday.

Stepping Hill hospitalPolice outside Stepping Hill Hospital, where Gary Bradshaw was staying[PA]
Gary Bradshaw, 47, grabbed a pen from a nurse as relatives ­visited him at Stepping Hill ­Hos­pital in Stockport, Greater Manchester, in 2012.
Partner Samantha Tweedie, 37, said he asked staff, “Am I going to die?” then wrote “DNR” on his stomach, meaning “Do not resuscitate”.
Stockport Coroner’s Court heard he died four days later, on July 12, 2012, from a heart attack caused by a dangerous amount of calcium in his heart and lungs. The hospital admitted it had uncovered 13 failures in spotting and then treating the rising levels of calcium in Mr Bradshaw’s blood.
The inquest heard Mr Bradshaw first reported problems in 2011.
Ultra-sound tests revealed he had two kidney stones.
He was eventually referred back to the hospital in March 2012 and doctors requested he have a blood test to see if calcium was present.
The hearing was told that due to a paperwork mix-up, the blood test was never carried out and he was given the wrong medication, which eventually led to him being admitted.
Dr James Catania, medical director at Stockport NHS Trust, accepted “13 failures” and “human error” contributed to Mr Bradshaw’s death.
Dr Catania said: “The consultant in March realised the need for tests for blood calcium but it was not done electronically on the form so wasn’t carried out.”
Lawyer Amiot Vollenweider, for Mr Bradshaw’s family, asked: “Did these system failures contribute to the death of Mr Bradshaw?”
Dr Catania replied: “Yes.”
The inquest continues.

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