Thursday 1 May 2014

Microsoft on the verge of fixing security flaw on widely used browers, Internet Explorer #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

TECHNOLOGY giant Microsoft are rushing to fix a bug in versions of Internet Explorer that are used by 55 per cent of PC owners worldwide.

Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Windows XP, bug, hackersMicrosoft are rushing to fix a security flaw with their Internet Explorer browser[GETTY]
The firm, co-founded by Bill Gates, said hackers had exploited the flaw in attacks on some American companies and they are working to fix the bug.

The bug, which can enable a hacker to take control of a PC, affects Internet Explorer version six to 11 - which amounts for 55 per cent of PCs worldwide.

However, experts said computers running Windows XP will not receive an update as Microsoft stopped supporting the 13-year-old programme this month.

The old operating system is used by between 15 and 25 per cent of the world's PCs, according to research firm NetMarketShare.
 The bug affects versions of Internet Explorer installed on 55 per cent of PCs [GETTY]
Microsoft should move fast. This will snowball
Aviv Raff - chief technology officer of cybersecurity firm Seculert
Cybersecurity software maker FireEye said a group of hackers had exploited the Internet Explored bug in a campaign dubbed 'Operation Clandestine Fox'.

Spokesman Vitor De Souza said one way PC users could protect themselves is by switching to a rival internet browser.

He added: "It's a campaign of targeted attacks seemingly against US-based firms, currently tied to defense and financial sectors."

FireEye, whose Mandiant division helps companies tackle cyber attacks, would not give names of specific victims or identify the hackers responsible.

Microsoft said in an advisory note that the bug could allow a hacker to take complete control of an affected system.

He said programmes could then be changed, data could be delete and malicious programmes could be installed.
 Experts have warned that Windows XP users will not get a fix for the bug [GETTY]
FireEye and Microsoft have not given details on the big or how hackers have been able to exploit it.

Aviv Raff, chief technology officer of cybersecurity firm Seculert, said other hackers are trying to learn more so they can exploit the bug further.

He said: "Microsoft should move fast. This will snowball."

He added that Microsoft will not release a fix for Windows XP user as the firm have stopped supporting the operating system.

Microsoft said in a statement that Windows XP customers should upgrade to one of two most recently versions of its operating system - Windows 7 or 8.

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