Thursday 1 May 2014

The X Factor: Simon Cowell battles hard with ITV to keep Louis Walsh on the panel #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

Cheryl Cole keen to get an all-new judges line-up along with TV bosses

NO one can imagine The X Factor without a certain Mr Louis Walsh.
Well, that's what we thought until reports surfaced that show boss Simon Cowell and ITV are at loggerheads about his future on the show.
Louis Walsh's spot on The X Factor is in jeopardy after reports suggest ITV want someone new [Wenn]
Louis Walsh's spot on The X Factor is in jeopardy after reports suggest ITV want someone new [Wenn]
In a bid to really mix up the 2014 series, the top dogs on the channel want Eric Cowell's dad to give the show a complete make-over.
Even if that means losing the Irish favourite.

An ITV source told The Sun: "What we've said is we want the panel to be as strong as it can be and if that means getting rid of the people who have been on it before, so be it.
"The show is going through a creative renewal with Simon and Cheryl coming back, so it's only right we make it as good as we can."
And just to make sure TV's Mr Nasty knew they were serious, the insider added: "It's not just Simon's show – it's ITV's, so we have a big say."
Simon Cowell is doing his best to ensure his pal does stay on the panel with him [Wenn]
Simon Cowell is doing his best to ensure his pal does stay on the panel with him [Wenn]
Not about to go down without a fight, Simon has insisted his pal Louis is here to say, commenting that he "can't do it without him".
Confident he will get what he wants in the end, a source close to Simon revealed: "Simon wants Louis back but he's conscious he has to play along with ITV's wishes.
"It's hard enough finding one new person, let alone two, so he's confident he'll get his way."
It is also thought that Cheryl is keen to get the band manager off the panel.
Are you for or against Louis? Let us know in the comment box below.
Cheryl Cole also isn't keen to keep her former manager on the hit show [Wenn]

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