Friday 2 May 2014

Newspaper round-up: Property prices hike, Peaches Geldof inquest and Jeremy Clarkson apology#CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

A look at today's newspaper headlines.

newspaper round-up, house prices, peaches geldof, peaches, inquest, jeremy clarkson, heroin, drugs, nick clegg, knife, rape, prosecution, legal aid, fraud, lawyers, grammar, pupils, school, education, propertyA round-up of today's biggest stories [.]
Daily Express: Record rise in house prices as values soar by £1,500 each month.
Daily Star: Police search for drug dealer and puzzle over whether drugs evidence was cleared away in wake of Peaches Geldof inquest.
The Sun: Police hunting for drug dealer who may have supplied Peaches Geldof with heroin before she died.
Daily Mirror: Jeremy Clarkson apologises over n-word scandal after a final warning from BBC bosses.
Daily Mail: Nick Clegg and other senior Lib Dems in bid to block knife crackdown.
The Independent: Crown Prosecution Service drops rape case "because woman was wearing Spanx" as prosecution rate fall even lower.
The Guardian: Fraud trials in jeopardy as lawyers rebel over legal aid cuts.
Daily Telegraph: Middle-class pupils losing out on places in grammar schools in anti-discrimination drive.
The Times: Private buyer smashes British property record by purchasing flat for £140million.

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