Friday 2 May 2014

DAVID CAMERON: I would do 'whatever it takes' for all-or-nothing EU referendum #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

DAVID Cameron will today vow to do “whatever it takes” to give the people of Britain an EU referendum.

House of Commons, House of Lords, David Cameron, Conservative Party, Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg, Budget 2014, Tax, Germany, EU, European Union, Independence, Euro, Greece, David Cameron holds a news conference at the end of a two-day Summit of the EU Heads of States[REUTERS]
The Prime Minister is due to make the pledge as he launches the Conservative Party’s campaign for the local elections.
They are being held in England on May 22 alongside elections for the European Parliament – in which the Tories are tipped to come a poor third to Ukip and Labour.
I have a track record of delivery – and believe me, whatever it takes, I will deliver this in-out referendum.
Prime Minister David Cameron
Mr Cameron is expected to tell an audience in the West Midlands that anyone doubting his pledge to renegotiate Britain’s EU membership and put the deal to an in-out referendum by the end of 2017, if he is re-elected next year, should judge him by his record.
He will point to how he vetoed a European treaty, cut the EU budget and got Britain out of an obligation to bail out debt-ridden eurozone countries.
He will say: “Others talk about acting in the national interest or standing up to Europe.
“I do it, time and again – often in the teeth of opposition in Brussels... I have a track record of delivery – and believe me, whatever it takes, I will deliver this in-out referendum.”

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