Friday 2 May 2014

Purrrr-itos! Cats dressed as burritos are new internet craze #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

THESE adorable pictures are the purr-fect way to brighten up your first day back at work after a long Bank Holiday weekend.

Cats, Instagram, burritos, Cute pictures of cats dressed as burritos have gone viral on Instagram[INSTAGRAM]
Cute snaps of cats wrapped up in blankets to look like burritos have gone viral on photo-sharing website Instagram.

The heart melting pictures show kittens snugly covered in everyday household items to resemble the popular Mexican snack made with a tortilla wrap.
 The heart melting pictures show kittens snugly covered in everyday household items [INSTAGRAM]
Cats dressed as burritoes goes viral on Instagram
As well as blankets, beloved animals are covered in food wrappers, a woollen carpet rug, newspapers and a roll of brown paper.

The pictures have been posted on Instagram by pet owners along with the hashtags #catburrito, #purrito and the long running #catsofinstagram.

It is the latest in a long line of internet sensations revolving around cats.
 The kitten burritos pictures are the latest in a long line of internet cat crazes [INSTAGRAM]
One of the first was Lolcats, which involved cute pictures of kittens alongside captions written in sweet-sounding broken English.

Other cat internet hits are Nyan Cat, which is a flying cat who leaves behind a trail of a rainbow, and the musical Keyboard Cat.

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