Friday 2 May 2014

Cash causes couples to lie more than any other subject - even bad hygiene #CarryGobySeanKellz #FutureGroupNG via @myentertain9jar

COUPLES tell more lies to each other about money than any other subject.

Money, Relationship problems, Issues, Couples, Marriage, Money, Money, Money - the source of more lies than bad hygiene in UK couples[GETTY]
One in seven in a relationship admits that he or she financially cheats on a partner by hiding credit card bills, under-estimating salaries and refusing to say how much has been spent.
Eight per cent of Britons resort to concealing items they have bought because they do not want their spouse to find out they have spent any money.
The typical amount of cash kept secret at any one time is £712, according to price comparison website
People would rather reveal their real age (31 per cent) or the number of lovers they have had (20 per cent) before admitting the full extent of their spending.
But spending money and lying about it is one of the most off-putting traits in a partner or potential partner, say two-thirds of Britons.
People should be conscious of spending more than they can afford as this could lead to their financial situation quickly growing out of control
Nerys Lewis, head of credit cards at
Bad hygiene (71 per cent) and cheating (83 per cent) are the only character traits which repel people more.
Thirty-four per cent said they would be put off a potential partner if they found out about any debts owed. Many couples opt to pool their finances, with 53 per cent having a joint bank account, the poll found.
More than 40 per cent of Britons are in debt, with credit card borrowings (60 per cent) the most prevalent.
Nerys Lewis, head of credit cards at, said: “Britons should not be ashamed about spending their money on the things they want, or using a credit card to do so.
“However, people should be conscious of spending more than they can afford as this could lead to their financial situation quickly growing out of control.”

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