Friday, 11 July 2014

Big Brother 2014: Kimberly Kisselovich and Steven Goode caught 'having sex' in the house[VIDEO 18+] #TheElitePartyinJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TwitterTrendBlog via @myentertain9jar

Helen Wood and Ash Harrison in stitches as Steverly get frisky under the covers

KIMBERLY Kisselovich and Steven Goode shocked housemates with their sexcapades in tonight's show.
The Playboy Bunny and her beau got close and personal under the covers – and Helen Wood and Ash Harrison listened in on the whole thing.
Steven and Kimberly get frisky under the covers in the Big Brother House [Channel 5]
Steven and Kimberly get frisky under the covers in the Big Brother House [Channel 5]
Never one to miss out on the action, Helen creeped across the bedroom to get a closer look, bumping her teeth on the lovebirds' bed in the process.

The following morning, Helen and Ash were quick to gossip about the events of the evening before and called it a "night of shame".
"I think they will both regret this," Ash continued.
Helen and Ash catch wind of the lovebirds' antics [Channel 5]
Helen and Ash catch wind of the lovebirds' antics [Channel 5]
Steven joined pals Winston Showan, Helen and Ash to dry his hair, where he was confronted by suspicious stares.
Housemates crumbled into fits of laughter when a bemused Steven asked: "Why are you looking at me like that?"
The red-faced ladies' man later admitted that he was "mortified" and said he thought everyone was asleep.
He attempted to justify his actions during a heart-to-heart with Ash.
"We are in a relationship, it's not like it's a one night stand. We told each other we loved each other last night," he said.
Steven will be married and divorced by the time he leaves the show at this rate...
Helen bashes her teeth on the edge of the bed as she leans in to get a closer look [Channel 5]
Helen bashes her teeth on the edge of the bed as she leans in to get a closer look [Channel 5]

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