Monday 14 July 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Maddie witness overheard sinister comment about disposing of a body #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TwitterTrendBlog via @myentertain9jar

A BRITISH woman has told Scotland Yard detectives seeking Madeleine McCann that she overheard a conversation in which a man said: “Why did you bring her here? Now we will have to dispose of the body.”

madeline, mccann, maddie, scotland yard, missing, child, kate, gerry, case, suspect, witness, overheard, comment, conversation, ocean club, praia da lThe witness used to live opposite the Ocean Club resort [PA]
The potential key witness has been interviewed several times in Britain and used to live almost opposite apartment 5a of the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz on the Algarve, from where Madeleine, three, was taken on May 3, 2007.

The Sunday Express understands the comment was heard several hundred yards from the Ocean Club in a residential area towards the seafront.
The woman gave an interview to Portuguese detectives 13 days after the disappearance but the report on the informal interview does not mention her overhearing a conversation about disposing of a body.
However, in April 2008 the woman made a further statement in which she recounted hearing the astonishing comment, saying she heard it days after the abduction. She also claimed that the owner of a pub in Luz was called by a woman shortly after the disappearance who said she had overheard the comment about getting rid of a body.
Why did you bring her here? Now we will have to dispose of the body
The Sunday Express understands the owner of the bar has been interviewed but cannot recall the conversation.
The woman has since returned to Britain with her child and is living in the Home Counties.
When contacted by the Sunday Express, the woman, who we are choosing not to name to safeguard the investigation, said: “I do not want to say anything.”
Last month Scotland Yard detectives shadowed three searches of wasteland near the Ocean Club but no obvious clues were found.
Some materials gathered in the search were sent for forensic examination but officers were not hopeful of a breakthrough in the investigation.

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