Friday 11 July 2014

I met the boy who was given my son's heart: Mum feels dead son's heart 5 years after death #TheElitePartyinJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TwitterTrendBlog via @myentertain9jar

MOTHER Freda Carter bravely agreed when her son John died of a brain tumour that his heart should be donated to save the life of a stranger.

mother, feels, son's heartbeat, heart, beat, 5 years, after, death, organ, donor, freda carter, miracle, chance, meeting, encounter, astonishing, mothAll Freda wanted was to feel her son's heartbeat once more [NORTH NEWS ]
Now by an astonishing twist of fate she has met the recipient – and felt John’s heartbeat again.
Freda, 66, attended a memorial service for organ donors and as one of the thankful beneficiaries stood up to deliver a reading, she sensed her son’s presence in the room.

“I turned to my husband and said: ‘He has got our John’s heart!’” Freda recalled yesterday. “Something inside me, I am not sure what, just knew it was him.”
Scott Rutherford, 20, who was given John’s heart as a youngster, said: “The day when we met was unbelievable, it was some sort of miracle.”
John Carter, a spray painter, died aged 33 in 2008. Freda, his father also called John, 70, his widow Andrea, 37, and his sister Julie, 43, agreed that his kidneys, liver and heart should be donated to save others.
The family, from Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, had always wanted to meet the person who had been given John’s heart but strict rules forbid this unless the recipient specifically requests it of their own accord.
All they knew was that the man whose life had been saved by their son was called Scott, and had been 14 when the transplant took place.
Then at the memorial service in November last year Freda and John met Scott by sheer chance.
Freda recalled her joy over the miracle meeting, six years after her son’s death.
mother, feels, son's heartbeat, heart, beat, 5 years, after, death, organ, donor, freda carter, miracle, chance, meeting, encounter, astonishing, mothWhen John died in 2008 it his family agreed his organs should be donated [NORTH NEWS ]
I think it must have been maternal instinct
Freda Carer
She said “Scott was reading a tribute and when I sat down and turned the page on the order of service and saw his name there a strange feeling came over me.
“I knew he was the recipient of John’s heart.
“It was irrational as Scott is a common name and he could have been anywhere in the country. I think it must have been maternal instinct. I was crying and everyone started to stare over at us.
“I have always said since John passed away that my dying wish, the one thing I wanted to do in life was to meet the boy who got his heart and to feel our John’s beat again.”
Nurses who were sitting at the rear of the service in Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, helped comfort Freda as they listened to Scott sing a rendition of I Dreamed A Dream before he then went on to speak about how his life was saved at 14 years old when he received a donor heart from a man named John.
The nurses took the unusual step of checking records with the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, before approaching Scott and asking if he would like to meet John’s mother.
Freda, a retired carer, told of her excitement at what happened next.
mother, feels, son's heartbeat, heart, beat, 5 years, after, death, organ, donor, freda carter, miracle, chance, meeting, encounter, astonishing, mothScott had the opportunity to thank the Carter family, something he'd wanted to do for years [NORTH NEWS]
“I was gobsmacked”, she said. “Scott came up to me and opened his arms and gave me a huge hug.
“He said he would be eternally grateful for what we have done for him.
“I asked him if I could feel John’s heart beat and he let me. It was all that I wanted.” Freda’s husband, a retired engineer, added: “We are over the moon for Scott. John lives on through him.”
Scott, from North Shields, was born with his arteries the wrong way round and when he received John’s heart he was just hours away from death.
He said: “When I was growing up, I had barely any life. I was miserable and when my heart problems got worse I just wanted to die.
“I am unbelievably thankful to John and his family for everything that they have done for me.”
mother, feels, son's heartbeat, heart, beat, 5 years, after, death, organ, donor, freda carter, miracle, chance, meeting, encounter, astonishing, mothFreda and her husband John couldn't be happier for Scott and that their son lives on [NORTH NEWS]
“The day when we met was unbelievable, it was some sort of miracle.”
Scott has gone on to become an actor.
Lynn Holt, heart and lung transplant coordinator at the Freeman Hospital said: “This case is a one-off situation.
“It was completely coincidental as Scott was a guest speaker at a service where John’s family were attending.
“It is an amazing result and I know that Scott was so happy that he got to meet the family, even if it was such an unusual situation.
“He was over the moon and at last sent them a thank you letter.
“That is something which he has wanted to do for years.”

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