Friday, 11 July 2014

'I will never have them in the house' Parents warned after child BLINDED by loom band #TheElitePartyinJuly #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TwitterTrendBlog via @myentertain9jar

A SEVEN-year-old boy was left completely blind in one eye because of a loom band.
Loom band, loom, blind, Kyle Lawrence, blood clot, Facebook, doctor, warningA loom band left a seven-year-old boy blinded in one eye[SWNS]
Primary school pupil Kyle Lawrence suffered a blood clot in his left eye after the bangle was accidentally pinged at him by his elder brother.

Carlie Lawrence was sitting with her children when the incident happened and her son is now awaiting surgery in a bid to restore his eyesight.

The 32-year-old mother said: "I will never have them in the house again. I emailed the company about changing the labelling to warn people but they haven't got back to me.

"There should be a warning on the packet - children shouldn't be doing the stretching.

"It's terrible that this has happened. I've had other parents come forward and say that something similar has happened, but not as bad."
 Kyle Lawrence suffered a blood clot in his left eye after the bangle was accidentally pinged at him [SWNS]
There should be a warning on the packet - children shouldn't be doing the stretching
Mother Carlie Lawrence
The incident happened as mum-of-six, from Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, sat with her children making loom bands at the end of May.

They were making bands known as 'rainbow loom sandals' which feature a band around the ankle with a strap which hooks around a toe.

One of them needed stretching to fit but as her eldest son pulled it the band slipped from his fingers and shot into Kyle's eye.

Mrs Lawrence, a carer, said: "He was screaming in pain and I have never heard him scream before. He started being violently sick.

"I couldn't go near Kyle after it happened, my husband had to deal with it. I was so scared.

"My husband told me to call an ambulance and we had to take Kyle out of the room to try and calm him down."
 The primary school pupil is now awaiting surgery in a bid to restore his eyesight [SWNS]
Kyle was rushed to accident and emergency where he was examined before being sent home by doctors the same night with eye drops.

But after the schoolboy continued being sick throughout the night Mrs Lawrence took him back to hospital the next day.

An eye expert said he should never have been sent home and admitted Kyle for six days in hospital, and a further week's bed rest.

Kyle is currently back at school but is unable to take part in any outdoor activities.

He is now awaiting an operation at Sheffield Hospital to try and regain the sight in his left eye.

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