Monday 14 July 2014

GOOD NEW TO DRUG ADDICTS! US drug dealer can stay in UK ‘to get free healthcare’ #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TwitterTrendBlog via @myentertain9jar

AN AMERICAN drug dealer has won the right to stay in Britain because he would lose the right to free NHS care.
drug dealer, britain, NHS, johnny callie, heroin, crack cocaine, gang, diabetic, theresa may, usaf airman, drug warAmerican Johnny Callie was caugt dealing heroin and crack cocaine[GETTY]
Johnny Callie, 64, was jailed for seven years in 2007 for his role in supplying heroin and crack cocaine.

Part of a gang of 10, he was snared in 2005 following a two-year operation by police.
Home Secretary Theresa May ordered his deportation in 2011 after his release. But diabetic Callie, who also has high blood pressure, said he and his depressed girlfriend could not afford US care.
Callie first came to Britain in 1991 as a USAF airman.
drug dealer, britain, NHS, johnny callie, heroin, crack cocaine, gang, diabetic, theresa may, usaf airman, drug warJohnny Callie claimed that he could not afford US healthcare [POLICE HANDOUT]
This is a perverse decision
Tory MP Philip Davies
His gang flooded Ipswich, in Suffolk, with crack cocaine and heroin, raking in £3,000 a day. He lost two appeals after being told in 2009 he would be deported, but launched another legal battle to stay. In February a judge ruled deporting him would breach his right to a family life under the European Convention on Human Rights. A Home Office appeal was dismissed.
Tory MP Philip Davies said: “This is a perverse decision which highlights the lunacy of human rights laws and the idiocy of judges determining these cases.”

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