Monday 14 July 2014

Sri Lankan sex offender shows justice system farce of ‘family life’ rulings #IRepEntertain9jarBlog #TwitterTrendBlog via @myentertain9jar

A SEX offender from Sri Lanka has been allowed to remain in Britain because of his “right to family life” even though his two young children are about to be adopted.

vincent cyril, sri lankaJudges ruled that deportation would break Vincent Cyril's human rights[GETTY]
Judges said Vincent Cyril, 41, had proved a human rights case to avoid being deported.
But the latest example of the controversial European laws being used in this country has been branded “a farce”.
Cyril arrived here illegally in 1998. He was jailed for 12 months in February 2007 after indecently assaulting three women and a man.
He was allowed to move back to the family home in Hull with his wife and two young daughters in 2009. But in 2011 the children were twice taken into emergency protection.
The idea that a sex offender, too drunk to look after his kids, can turn round and claim his right to family life piles farce on top of tragedy
Dominic Raab, Tory MP
A care hearing heard how Cyril had been “consuming alcohol to excess and failed to comply with the local authority’s requests for assistance when his wife was struggling to cope”.
The local authority successfully argued the girls should be adopted.
But an immigration tribunal has now ruled it was “entirely legitimate” for him to stay in the UK even though the children will have no future contact with him.
Tory MP Dominic Raab said: “The idea that a sex offender, too drunk to look after his kids, can turn round and claim his right to family life piles farce on top of tragedy.”

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