Tuesday 24 June 2014

British forces 'are not capable' to tackle jihadists, former army chief warns #TheElitePartyInJuly #Entertain9jar via @myentertain9jar

A FORMER military head has warned that the army needs extra resources to tackle the global threat posed by jihadists.
 Lord Richards has called for extra resources for the army [GETTY]
Lord Richards of Herstmonceux said that Britain's armed forces were "not good enough" to deal with militant jihadism, which he described as the biggest danger confronting the free world today.
In his maiden Lords speech, the independent crossbench peer called for a rise in defence spending and warned that without it, the effectiveness of the armed forces would inevitably deteriorate further.
Ignoring the convention that maiden speeches are meant not to be controversial, Lord Richards said: "Are our armed forces fit or in a fit state to play their role in dealing with these and other risks to our way of life?
"The answer must be that it's not good enough but it's some consolation that it's better than any other allied nation except the US."
Lord Richards, who was chief of defence staff Gen Sir David Richards until last year, said all states were equally vulnerable to the threat from militiant Jihadism and they should "cohere to confront this threat with the adoption of a multi-dimensional strategy".
He told peers the struggle would be generational and political leaders must stop seeking "short term tactical solutions".
There must be a "containment strategy" so that once the periphery was stabilised "one would work progressively to recover areas that had fallen under the Jihadist yoke", he said.
Lord Richards also told listeners that a key part of the strategy must be to honour commitments made at Nato summits in Lisbon and Chicago to support the Afghan people after the allies withdrew from a combat role at the end of this year.
 Lord Richards questioned whether Britain could tackle terrorists such as the 7/7 bombers [AFP/GETTY]
Are our armed forces fit or in a fit state to play their role in dealing with these and other risks to our way of life?
Lord Richards
He added: "Routine defence spending post 2015 must increase as a minimum to two per cent of GDP.
"If not - given the mathematics that seem stubbornly to govern defence expenditure - the size and effectiveness of the armed forces will inevitably deteriorate further."
Lord Richards added that it was vital that Britain's allies should shoulder more of the burden of security and warned ministers against breaking the "societal consensus" by failing to look after servicemen and women properly.
He also cautioned against plans to replace regular soldiers with part-time reservists.
His comments came as the Government faced a withering barrage of criticism from former defence chiefs in a debate on the armed forces.
Former chief of the naval staff Admiral Lord West of Spithead warned the armed forces are being cut "into the bone". SThe Labour former security and counter-terrorism minister said it was a "national disgrace" that Britain now had only 19 frigates and destroyers.
Former chief of the defence staff Lord Stirrup also warned that the level of defence spending was now "dangerously low".

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