Wednesday 4 June 2014

Chilling pictures show guilty husband wearing wife's clothing after 'honour killing' #BringBackOurGirls #Entertain9jar via @myentertain9jar

THESE chilling pictures show the moment a guilty husband walked away from a crime scene in his wife's clothing after murdering her in an "honour killing".

Ahmed Al-Khatib, Rania Alayed, honour killing, CCTV, pictures, Manchester, Middle East, Salford, Manchester Crown CourtAhmed Al-Khatib wore wife Rania Alayed's clothing after murdering her in an "honour killing"[CAVENDISH]
Ahmed Al-Khatib was seen in CCTV pictures wearing victim Rania Alayed's headscarf as he tried to give the impression the 25-year-old was still alive.

Al-Khatib had lured his wife into his brother's flat in Salford and killed her after he felt "insulted" at her leaving him to become more Westernised.

The Syrian-born 35-year-old from Manchester said he killed Ms Alayed in self-defence during a row after he believed an evil spirit had entered her body.  

But he was today found guilty of murdering the mother-of-three and perverting the course of justice at Manchester Crown Court.

Despite an extensive search of a suspected burial spot Ms Alayed's remains have never been found.
 Ahmed Al-Khatib was seen in CCTV pictures wearing victim Rania Alayed's headscarf [CAVENDISH]
Make no mistake, this was an honour killing
Detective Chief Inspector Phil Reade
After murdering her on June 7 last year Al-Khatib stuffed the body into a suitcase before he and his brother Muhned, 38, drove the dead victim 87 miles away.

When Ms Alayed was reported missing Al-Khatib claimed she had moved to Turkey and was alive and well.

But police suspected foul play after it emerged Ms Alayed had angered her husband by asking a lawyer to help free her from the "shackles of her marriage."

She enraged her husband further by attending college and meeting male and female friends before beginning a relationship with another man.

Al-Khatib, from Gorton in Manchester, eventually confessed to police that Ms Alayed was dead.
 Al-Khatib had lured his wife into his brother's flat after she left him [CAVENDISH]
Al-Khatib told officers he had buried the body at the side of a lay-by on the A19 in North Yorkshire.

Al-Khatib denied murder and claimed Ms Alayed had fallen and hit her head after he pushed her during an argument.

His brother was cleared of murder but admitted perverting the course of justice and was jailed for three years.

Another brother Al-Khatib, 34, was jailed for four years after he was convicted by a jury of perverting the course of justice.

The charge was in relation to the concealment of the victim's body.

Al-Khatib will face sentencing later.

Detective Chief Inspector Phil Reade, of Greater Manchester Police, described the murder as a pre-planned "honour killing".
 The body of mother-of-three Ms Alayed has never been found [CAVENDISH]
He said: "Rania was beginning to put an abusive and violent relationship behind her and had genuine cause to be optimistic for the future.

"But at the point when she thought she might be able to create a better life for her and her children - free of the domestic abuse she suffered at the hands of Al-Khatib - her husband snatched it all away in the cruellest and most despicable way possible.

"Invited to a neutral meeting place, he murdered her in cold blood while her children were in the next room.

"To deprive his own children of their mother is both sickening and chilling in the extreme.

"To later attempt to justify the killing by claiming a Jinn was about to attack him is both insulting to Rania's memory and counter to all the evidence of a pre-planned honour-killing.

"And, make no mistake, this was an honour killing."

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