Wednesday 25 June 2014

Take Painkillers; They are good For You - Top Scientist Experts #TheElitePartyInJuly #Entertain9jar via @myentertain9jar

PAINKILLERS taken every day by millions of Britons could help slow the ageing process and fight a host of chronic diseases, scientists say.
painkillers, pills, illness, old, age, doctors, scientists, healthA simple pill could keep you fit into old age [GETTY]
Experts believe cheap anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can boost the chances of older people staying fit and healthy and avoiding conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and dementia.
Researchers at Newcastle University found that chronic inflammation may accelerate ageing and trigger disease by stopping the body’s cells regenerating. Study leader Professor Thomas von Zglinicki said: “People age differently, some much faster than others. With these results we can now seriously start thinking about inflammation as a potential driver of accelerated ageing and how we might be able to delay it.”
In research published in the journal Nature Communications, the team describes how inflammation triggers the release of powerful molecules, including oxygen free radicals which have been linked to the ageing process.
Professor von Zglinicki said: “We all know the pain and fever associated with inflammation when our body tries to fight off germs that otherwise might make us sick or even kill us.
“When we become older, a mild form of inflammation without any obvious cause becomes increasingly frequent and ultimately chronic.”
The professor said inflammation was associated with “many, if not all” modern chronic diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, liver disease, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and dementia.
So if you are in your 70s and have Type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline this might be for you
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki
And once a patient suffers inflammation in their body from one disease, it increases the risk of them developing other conditions.
He said: “If you are someone who ages a bit faster than would be necessary, who might have multiple age-related diseases that are often associated with chronic inflammation, then doing something against the inflammation such as taking an ibuprofen might actually improve your future chances.”
“It is not for everybody, but once you get old most people will have one of more serious age-related disease.
“So if you are in your 70s and have Type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline this might be for you.”
After successful trials on mice, the scientists are to start tests on human patients, including one group of around 200 people with Parkinson’s disease who may be affected by accelerated ageing.
The NHS advises that anyone with questions over the use of ibuprofen should speak to their GP before taking the pills.

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